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Forms > Forms Assembly Classes > MenuItem



The MenuItem class implements an object that is a menu item.

Properties inherited from IMenuItem

  Property name Brief description
The Action property determines the action that is associated with the menu item.
The AdditionalShortCuts property returns the collection of additional combinations of hot keys that are connected with this menu item.
The AutoCheck property determines whether the state of checkbox should be changed automatically when the menu item is selected.
The Checked property determines a state of the checkbox displayed to the left of the menu item.
The CloseOnCommand property determines whether menu closes after selection of this menu item.
The DefaultItem property determines whether it is possible to execute this menu item by default when the user double-clicks on the parent submenu.
The Enabled property determines whether the menu item is enabled for the user.
The GroupIndex property sets index of the menu items group.
The ImageIndex property determines index of the image that is displayed in the menu item.
The IsCaption property determines whether the current element is a caption.
The Items property returns the collection of submenus of this menu item.
The RadioItem property determines whether the radio button should be used to specify the selected item.
The ShortCut property determines a combination of hot keys for quick selection of menu item.
The Text property determines the line identifying a component for the user.
The Visible property determines whether the menu item is visible during form execution.

Properties inherited from IComponent

  Property name Brief description
ComponentCount The ComponentCount property returns the number of child components located on the parent component.
Components The Components property returns the child component, which index is passed by the input parameter.
Data The Data property is used to store any custom data.
Name The Name property determines a component name.
Tag The compiler does not use the Tag property. The user can change the value of the Tag property and use it as he wishes.

Methods inherited from IMenuItem

  Method name Brief description
The Click method initializes the OnClick event for this menu item.


  Event name Brief description
The OnClick event occurs if the user pressed the main mouse button when the mouse cursor was on the menu item.
The OnPopup event occurs right before the context menu is displayed.

See also:

Forms Assembly Classes