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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Interfaces > IGxSize



The IGxSize interface contains properties and methods of the size determined with integer values.


  Property name Brief description
Height The Height property determines the height of the size.
IsEmpty The IsEmpty property determines whether width and height are null.
Width The Width property determines the width of the size.


  Method name Brief description
Equals The Equals method checks if the current size is equal to the size that is passed as parameter.
Expand The Expand method expands the size.
ExpandS The ExpandS method increases the current size by a size passed as parameter.
Reduce The Reduce method decreases the current size.
ReduceS The ReduceS method decreases the current size by a size passed as parameter.
ToPoint The ToPoint method transforms the size into the point.
ToSizeF The ToSizeF method transforms the size into the size determined with real value.

See also:

Drawing Assembly Interfaces