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Drawing > Drawing Assembly Interfaces > IGxPointF



The IGxPointF interface contains properties and methods of the real point.


  Property name Brief description

The IsEmpty property determines whether coordinates of the real point are zero ones.

X The X property determines the X coordinate of the real point.
Y The Y property determines the Y coordinate of the real point.


   Method name Brief description
Equals The Equals method verifies the equality of the specified point with the point passed as the parameter.
Offset The Offset method shifts the point.
OffsetP The OffsetP method shifts coordinates of the current point to the value passed by the input parameter.
OffsetS The OffsetS shifts the current point to the real size.
ToPoint The ToPoint method transforms the real point into the integer point.
ToSize The ToSize method transforms the real point into the real size.

See also:

Drawing Assembly Interfaces