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Library of Methods and Models > Distributions > Beta Distribution

Beta Distribution

Beta distribution with parameters α, β > 0 when x ϵ [0, 1] is described by probability density function:

Where Г - gamma function that looks as follows:

This distribution uses a general method of generating random variables with the distribution ~ B(α, β) for any values of α > 0 and β > 0, based on the fact that if two independent random variables follow gamma distribution Y~ Г(α, 1), Y2 ~ Г(β, 1), the value Y/ (Y1 + Y2) ~ B(α, β) follows beta distribution. The algorithm includes the following steps:

1. Independently generate two pseudo-random samples of gamma distribution Y~ Г(α, 1), Y2 ~ Г(β, 1).

2. Calculate value Y/ (YY2).

See also:

ISmBetaDistribution | Library of Methods and Models