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Transform > Transform Assembly Interfaces > ITsParamProvider > ITsParamProvider.Params


Fore Syntax

Params: ITsModelParams;

Fore.NET Syntax

Params: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Transfor.ITsModelParams;


The Params property returns parameters collection.


To get the parameters' values collection, use the ITsModelParamValues interface.

Fore Example

Executing the example requires a form containing the LanerBox component and the UiErAnalayzer component with the UiErAnalayzer1 identifier, which is a data source for LanerBox. UiErAnalyzer1 must contain a workbook of the time series database that contains calculated series.

Add links to the Cubes, Dal, Metabase, Transform system assemblies.

Sub ParamProv;
    Eax: IEaxAnalyzer;
    ParamsProv: ITsParamProvider;
    Params: ITsModelParams;
    tParam: ITsModelParam;
    ParamVals: ITsModelParamValues;
    pVal: ITsModelParamValue;
    Laner: ILaner;
    i: Integer;
    Serie: ILanerSerie;
    CalcSerie: ILanerCalculateSerie;
    TransfPeriod: ILanerTransformPeriod;
    Eax := UiErAnalyzer1.ErAnalyzer;
    // Get object that is used to work with parameters
    ParamsProv := Eax.ParamProvider As ITsParamProvider;
    Params := ParamsProv.Params;
    // Create new parameters and set their values 
    tParam := Params.Add;
    tParam.ParamType := TsParamType.Date;
    tParam.DataType := DbDataType.DateTime;
    tParam.Id := "IDENT_START";
    tParam.Name := "Start of identification";
    tParam := Params.Add;
    tParam.ParamType := TsParamType.Date;
    tParam.DataType := DbDataType.DateTime;
    tParam.Id := "IDENT_END";
    tParam.Name := "End of identification";
    tParam := Params.Add;
    tParam.ParamType := TsParamType.Date;
    tParam.DataType := DbDataType.DateTime;
    tParam.Id := "FORECAST_END";
    tParam.Name := "End of forecast";
    // Set parameter values
    ParamVals := ParamsProv.ParamValues;
    // Start of identification
    pVal := ParamVals.FindById("IDENT_START");
    pVal.Value := "01.01.2003";
    // End of identification
    pVal := ParamVals.FindById("IDENT_END");
    pVal.Value := "01.01.2007";
    // End of forecast
    pVal := ParamVals.FindById("FORECAST_END");
    pVal.Value := "01.01.2015";
    // Use parameters in workbook
    Laner := Eax.Laner;
    // Get calculated series
    For i := 0 To Laner.Series.Count - 1 Do
        Serie := Laner.Series.Item(i);
        If Serie.Kind = LnSerieKind.Calculate Then
            CalcSerie := Serie As ILanerCalculateSerie;
            TransfPeriod := CalcSerie.TransformPeriod;
            TransfPeriod.AutoPeriod := TransformModelAutoPeriodOptions.None;
            TransfPeriod.PeriodSet := LnTransformPeriodSet.All;
            // Set parameters for period of series calculation
            TransfPeriod.StartDateParamId := "IDENT_START";
            TransfPeriod.IdentificationEndDateParamId := "IDENT_END";
            TransfPeriod.EndDateParamId := "FORECAST_END";
        End If;
    End For;
    // Update parametric values in workbook
End Sub ParamProv;

After executing the example the workbook contains parameters that determine a period of calculation for calculated series. Parameters' values are set, calculated series are recalculated in accordance with parameters' values.

Fore.NET Example

The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example. Use Fore.NET analogs instead of Fore components.

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Cubes;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dal;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Express;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Laner;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Transform;

Public Sub ParamProv();
    Eax: IEaxAnalyzer;
    ParamsProv: ITsParamProvider;
    Params: ITsModelParams;
    tParam: ITsModelParam;
    ParamVals: ITsModelParamValues;
    pVal: ITsModelParamValue;
    Laner: ILaner;
    i: Integer;
    Serie: ILanerSerie;
    CalcSerie: ILanerCalculateSerie;
    TransfPeriod: ILanerTransformPeriod;
    Eax := uiErAnalyzerNet1.ErAnalyzer.ErAnalyzer;
    // Get object that is used to work with parameters
    ParamsProv := Eax.ParamProvider As ITsParamProvider;
    Params := ParamsProv.Params;
    // Create new parameters and set their values 
    tParam := Params.Add();
    tParam.ParamType := TsParamType.tsptDate;
    tParam.DataType := DbDataType.ddtDateTime;
    tParam.Id := "IDENT_START";
    tParam.Name := "Start of identification";
    tParam := Params.Add();
    tParam.ParamType := TsParamType.tsptDate;
    tParam.DataType := DbDataType.ddtDateTime;
    tParam.Id := "IDENT_END";
    tParam.Name := "End of identification";
    tParam := Params.Add();
    tParam.ParamType := TsParamType.tsptDate;
    tParam.DataType := DbDataType.ddtDateTime;
    tParam.Id := "FORECAST_END";
    tParam.Name := "End of forecast";
    // Set parameter values
    ParamVals := ParamsProv.ParamValues;
    // Start of identification
    pVal := ParamVals.FindById("IDENT_START");
    pVal.Value := "01.01.2003";
    // End of identification
    pVal := ParamVals.FindById("IDENT_END");
    pVal.Value := "01.01.2007";
    // End of forecast
    pVal := ParamVals.FindById("FORECAST_END");
    pVal.Value := "01.01.2015";
    // Use parameters in workbook
    Laner := Eax.Laner;
    // Get calculated series
    For i := 0 To Laner.Series.Count - 1 Do
        Serie := Laner.Series.Item[i];
        If Serie.Kind = LnSerieKind.lskCalculate Then
            CalcSerie := Serie As ILanerCalculateSerie;
            TransfPeriod := CalcSerie.TransformPeriod;
            TransfPeriod.AutoPeriod := TransformModelAutoPeriodOptions.tmapoNone;
            TransfPeriod.PeriodSet := LnTransformPeriodSet.ltpsAll;
            // Set parameters for period of series calculation
            TransfPeriod.StartDateParamId := "IDENT_START";
            TransfPeriod.IdentificationEndDateParamId := "IDENT_END";
            TransfPeriod.EndDateParamId := "FORECAST_END";
        End If;
    End For;
    // Update parametric values in workbook
End Sub ParamProv;

See also:
