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Metabase > Metabase Assembly Enumerations

Metabase Assembly Enumerations

  Enumeration Brief description
The AccessElementApplyOptions enumeration contains possible options of applying access permissions on an element.
The AccessElementAttributes enumeration contains access attributes types.
The AceType enumeration contains types of additional parameters of security object.
The AdmUserType enumeration contains administrators types.
The ApplyStateType enumeration contains states types of restoring users/groups.
The AuditLogArchiveFormat enumeration contains formats of files in which security protocol may be saved.
The AuditLogSpecificRights enumeration contains a list of specific operations available for access protocol.
The AuthenticationMode enumeration contains authentication types used for any connection.
The CalculatedCubeSpecificRights enumeration contains a list of specific operations available for calculated cubes.
The CallbackOperationState enumeration contains variants of conflicts solution that appear while importing filter container of access protocol.

The Metabase Assembly Enumerations enumeration determines type of certificate storage.

The CheckAuditLoginConsistencyOptions enumeration contains variants of check an official user of security subsystem (p4audit).
The ControlMethodsCombineAlgorithm enumeration contains permission combination algorithm by attribute-based and discretionary access control method.
The CubeLoaderSpecificRights enumeration contains a list of specific operations available for loader data in a cube.
The CubeSpecificRights enumeration contains a list of specific operations available for different cube types.
The CustomObjectSpecificRights enumeration contains a list of specific operations available for objects of custom classes.
The DataBaseSpecificRights enumeration contains a list of specific operations available for the Database repository object.
The DeleteObjectOptions enumeration contains methods of deleting links to repository objects.
The DictionarySpecificRights enumeration contains the list of specific operations available for different MDM dictionaries repository object.
The DomainLogonType enumeration contains connection types to a server used while using domain authentication.
The Metabase Assembly Enumerations enumeration contains specified information about domain when searching for security subjects.
The DomainSubjectAddState enumeration contains values that determine settings of adding of domain security subjects.
The FindAttribute enumeration determines an attribute of repository objects by which search will be performed.
The FindAttributeEx enumeration determines the attribute of the repository objects by which the search will be performed.
The IsaModePromoteOptions enumeration contains parameter of mode activation of administrators roles division.
The MbElementDependenciesTrackingType enumeration contains types of the connections tracking.
The MDCalcSpecificRights enumeration contains a list of specific operations available for the Multidimensional Calculation on DB Server repository object.
Outdated. Use IMetabasePolicy.CheckUserPassword.
The MetabaseCheckStatus enumeration returns an object status after summation check.
The MetabaseConnectForAuditMode enumeration contains modes of connection setting with DB server for audit of failed connection.
The MetabaseDefinitionScope enumeration determines for whom repository description will be available.
The MetabaseExportObjectsRightsOrder enumeration contains variants if string order in a resulting file.
The Metabase Assembly Enumerations enumeration contains options of reading metabase objects on the deferred loading of description.
Outdated. Use IMetabasePolicy.CheckUserPassword.
The MetabaseObjectAlterType enumeration contains options of recreating objects on the DBMS level.
The MetabaseObjectAuditOperationState enumeration contains variants of operation audit.
The MetabaseObjectCachingMode enumeration is used to determine caching mode.
The MetabaseObjectClass enumeration contains types of repository objects.
The MetabaseObjectMetaclass enumeration contains classes of repository objects.
The MetabaseObjectOperation enumeration contains types of operations that can be performed with repository objects.
The MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights enumeration contains a list of operations, on which user rights can be given, and access auditing can be performed.
The MetabaseObjectUpdateBoundType enumeration determines a type of objects update.
The MetabaseObjectUpdateConstraint enumeration determines a way of objects update.
MetabaseObjectUpdateOrder The MetabaseObjectUpdateOrder enumeration is used to determine the order of updating of object data.
The MetabaseObjectUpdatePart enumeration determines a way of data update of repository objects.
The MetabaseObjectUpdateType enumeration determines a type of repository objects update.
The MetabaseObjectUpdateUnboundType enumeration determines a type of update for replications.
The MetabasePolicyPredefinedPrivilege enumeration contains system privileges.
The MetabaseRefreshOptions enumeration determines parameters of repository update.
The MetabaseSecurityApplyInformation enumeration contains results of security policy applying.
The MetabaseSecuritySubjectUpdateType enumeration contains update ways of repository users.
The MetabaseSpecialObject enumeration contains types of special repository objects.

The MetabaseUpdateAccessTokenOptions enumeration contains saving options of mandatory access control settings on saving object update parameters.

The MetabaseUpdateAccessType enumeration contain the type of access to the update.

The MetabaseUpdateApplyOptions enumeration contains update parameters.

The MetabaseUpdateCopyType enumeration contains the type of copying the update.

The MetabaseUpdateMethod enumeration determines a way of objects update that contain any data.
The MetabaseUpdateNodeAccessType enumeration contains the type of access to the update object.
The MetabaseUpdateNodeType enumeration determines a type of update object.
The MetabaseUpdateObjectApplyState enumeration contains values that correspond with an object state to update.
The MetabaseUpdateProgressStage enumeration contains values that correspond with update stages of objects.
The MetabaseUpdateRemappingType enumeration is used to determine the type of repeated mapped update object.
The MetabaseUserLockedState enumeration contains states of locked users.
The MetabaseUsersUpdateCallbackResult enumeration contains operations on working with errors occurred on updating users.
The MetabaseUsersUpdateErrorType enumeration contains the type of errors on updating users.
The NameCasePlural enumeration contains a list of cases.
The ObjectUpdateDataBatchMode enumeration contains variants of object data update.
The ProblemSpecificRights enumeration contains a list of specific operations available for the Modeling Problem modeling container object.
The ProcedureSpecificRights enumeration contains a list of specific operations available for the Procedure repository object.
The ProtocolSelectType enumeration contains protocols that can be used on connection to directory service.
The ScenarioDimensionSpecificRights enumeration contains the list of the specific operations for the Modeling Scenario repository object.
The ScheduledTaskSpecificRights enumeration contains a list of specific operations available for tasks created in scheduled tasks container.
The ScreenshotType enumeration is used to determine type of the image when previewing repository objects.
The SecurityDescriptorFlags enumeration determines a flag of inheritance access permissions from a parent object.
The SecurityPackageUserPrivilege enumeration contains privileges.
The SecuritySpecificRights enumeration contains a list of specific operations available for security policy.
The SecuritySubjectLocation enumeration contains variants of location of security subjects.
The SecuritySubjectMemberOfO enumeration contains receiving parameters of groups to which security subject is included.
The SecuritySubjectType enumeration contains types of security subjects.
The SnapshotApplyOperationType enumeration contains types of operations used to apply security policy.
The StationAccessType enumeration contains access types from workstations.
The TableSpecificRights enumeration contains a list of specific operations available for the following repository objects: TableViewLogExternal Table.
The TeradataAuthenticationMethod enumeration contains types of authentication mechanisms to Teradata DBMS.
The UpdateDataConstraintsHandlingType enumeration determines handling type of data integrity constraint.
The UpdateLoadMode enumeration determines method of objects load in update.
The UpdateObjectSpecificRights enumeration contains a list of specific operations available for repository object - Update.
The UpdateReflectObjectsRightsType enumeration determines type of rights move on repository objects while update.
The UpdateSortMode enumeration contains sort type that can be applied to update objects.
The ValidationSpecificRights enumeration contains a list of specific operations available for the Validation Rule and Validation Group repository object.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces | Metabase Assembly Classes | Examples