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Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Interfaces > IDimensionModel



The IDimensionModel interface determines model and general structure of a dictionary.


Classes of repository objects supporting the IDimensionModel interface:


  Property name Brief description

The AsCalendar property returns comparison parameters of standard and calendar dictionaries.


The AttributeHierarchies property returns collection of dictionary attributes alternative hierarchies.

Attributes The Attributes property returns an object that contains a collection of dictionary attributes.
Blocks The Blocks property returns an object that contains a collection of dictionary blocks.
Hierarchies The Hierarchies property returns a collection of alternative hierarchies for dictionary.
Indexes The Indexes property returns an object that contains a collection of dictionary indexes.
IsCalendar The IsCalendar property determines whether dictionary is used as a calendar one.
Levels The Levels property returns an object that contains a collection of dictionary levels.
SupportElementDependencies The SupportElementDependencies property determines whether it is possible to trace links to elements of the current dictionary.
TrackElementDependents The TrackElementDependents property determines whether links to elements of the current dictionary are tracked.

See also:

Dimensions Assembly Interfaces