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Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Interfaces > ICalendarDimension


Assembly: Dimensions;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions;


The ICalendarDimension interface contains properties and methods of calendar dictionary.

Inheritance Hierarchy



When a new calendar dictionary is created, to ensure its correct work, determine the following minimum settings:


  Property name Brief description
AllowedBlock The AllowedBlock property returns True if the level can be used as a block in calendar dictionary.
AllowedHierarchy The AllowedHierarchy property returns True if the specified hierarchy type can be used in calendar dictionary.
AllowedLevel The AllowedLevel property returns True if the specified level can be used in calendar dictionary.
AllowedNameFormat The AllowedNameFormat property returns True if name format can be used when changing format of displaying block elements in calendar dictionary.
AllowedParam The AllowedParam property returns True if the parameter can be used in calendar dictionary.
AttributeCount The AttributeCount property returns the number of system attributes in the dictionary.
AttributeIndex The AttributeIndex property returns index of standard attribute displayed at dictionary creation.
AttributeNameFormat The AttributeNameFormat property determines format for displaying element names in selected dictionary block.
Attributes The Attributes property returns a collection of custom attributes in calendar dictionary.
BlockInUse The BlockInUse property determines whether the level block takes part in dictionary creation.
CalendarLevelIndex The CalendarLevelIndex property returns index for selected calendar level.
DefaultOpenType The DefaultOpenType property determines default element format used to display elements on opening the dictionary.
EndYear The EndYear property determines fixed end year for a calendar dictionary.
EndYearAsParam The EndYearAsParam property determines status of the Do not Fix End Date (Determine as Dictionary Parameter) option.
Hierarchy The Hierarchy property determines type of calendar hierarchy.
HierarchyCorrection The HierarchyCorrection property determines state of the Hierarchy Correction option.
IncludeDays The IncludeDays property determines whether the Days level is included into calendar dictionary.
IncludeHalfYears The IncludeHalfYears property determines whether the Half-Years level is included into calendar dictionary.
IncludeMonths The IncludeMonths property determines whether the Months level is included into calendar dictionary.
IncludeQuarters The IncludeQuarters property determines whether the Quarters level is included into calendar dictionary.
IncludeWeek The IncludeWeek property determines whether the Weeks level is included into calendar dictionary.
IncludeYears The IncludeYears property determines whether the Years level is included into calendar dictionary.
IsDateEnd The IsDateEnd property determines whether the period start date should be replaced with period end date for selected dictionary level.
LastLevelNameAsDay The LastLevelNameAsDay property determines state of the Change Last Level Name With Day option.
LevelCount The LevelCount property returns the number of levels in calendar dictionary.
LevelIndex The LevelIndex property returns level index by number in the calendar dictionary structure.
LevelInUse The LevelInUse property determines whether the level takes part in dictionary creation.
NameAttrFormat The NameAttrFormat property determines format of displaying elements names for selected level.
OffsetDate The OffsetDate property determines the number of days, by which the start date of selected period is shifted.
ParamInUse The ParamInUse property determines whether the dictionary parameter index of which is passed by the ParamIndex parameter is used to enter start or end date of calendar period.
ReverseOrder The ReverseOrder property determines state of the Reverse Order of Dictionary Elements option.
Setup The Setup property determines parameters of a calendar with dynamically created elements.
ShiftForward The ShiftForward property determines state of the Shift Last Level By One Point Forward option.
StartYear The StartYear property determines fixed year when the calendar dictionary starts.
StartYearAsParam The StartYearAsParam property determines state of the Do not Fix Calendar Start (Determine as Dictionary Parameter) option.
WeekLevel The WeekLevel property determines parameters of Weeks level in the calendar dictionary.


  Method name Brief description
AddAttribute The AddAttribute method adds a standard attribute to the list of attributes available when calendar dictionary is created.
AssignAttributesFormats The AssignAttributesFormats method copies formats of displaying attributes from selected calendar dictionary.
CompareLevels The CompareLevels method is used to determine result of comparing of calendar levels.
DateFromWeek The DateFromWeek method calculates the date corresponding to the specified day.
OpenAs The OpenAs method opens calendar in selected format.
RemoveAttribute The RemoveAttribute method removes a standard attribute from the list of attributes used when calendar dictionary is created.
WeekFromDate The WeekFromDate method calculates parameters of the day corresponding to a specified date.

See also:

Dimensions Assembly Interfaces