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ABAC > ABAC Assembly Classes > ABACUtils


The ABACUtils class implements the setting of additional condition to check access using preinstalled functions.


Additional condition to check access is set as logical expression using the IABACRule.Condition property.

IMPORTANT. On creating the expression, preinstalled functions of attribute-based access control are set only in string view using the IExpression.AsString property. The IABACUtils interface methods are not used.


  Constructor name Brief description
Create The Create constructor creates an instance of class object.

Methods inherited from IABACUtils

  Method name Brief description
Count The Count method returns the number of values in the arrays of custom attribute of subject or object and the number of groups where the user is included.
FindAttr The FindAttr method searches for the attribute by specified property in the list of groups where the user is included.
Interseca The Interseca method searches for common values of compared arguments.
Intersecc The Intersecc method searches for common values of compared attributes by specified attribute value.
Is_Empty The Is_Empty method determines whether the custom attribute value of subject or object is empty.

See also:

ABAC Assembly Classes