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Application Development and Functionality Enhancement > Developing in the Foresight Analytics Platform Development Environment > Getting Started > Interface Description > Setting Up Code Editor

Setting Up Code Editor

The Development Environment Options dialog box opens on calling the View>Development Environment Options main menu item. the options dialog box contains four tabs:

This tab is used to determine display parameters for particular code parts in the macro window.

The Font group determines typeface and size of the font that is used to display macro text.

The Syntax Highlighting group includes parameters for color formatting of a macro window.

To change color formatting:

Standard Themes

The standard themes include:

Selection of theme scheme depends on user preferences and does not affect the functionality of the form designer.

Custom Color Formatting

To set color for an element in a macro window, select the required color in the list and then select the text color and the background color from the appropriate color palettes on the right.

Macro window elements with changeable parameters:

The tab contains form options in edit mode.

On selecting the Snap to Grid checkbox, on placing components on the form and resizing them using the mouse, they are snapped to the grid nodes. To set up precisely location and size of the components using the mouse, hold the ALT key.

The numeric step value (in pixels) is defined by the Grid Step Size option.

The tab contains settings defining the behavior in exceptional situations on debugging user assembly/unit/form.

The checkbox selection leads to pause in program execution in case of exceptional situations.

The tab contains settings of form editor macro window.

See also:

Interface Description