Description of System Assemblies

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Description of System Assemblies

Name Brief description
ABAC Attribute based access control method.
Adhoc Dashboard designer kernel.
AdoMd ADOMD catalog and its objects.
Andy Workspace graphics primitives.
BISearch BI search.
Chart Charts, 3D scenes.
Collections Collections: lists, glossaries, queues, stacks.
Cp Optimal controlling problems.
Cubes Cubes, time series databases, multidimensional calculation at DB server.
Dal DBMS drivers, DBMS objects (tables, views, queries).
Db Relational objects.
Dimensions Dictionaries.
Drawing Styles table, base drawing primitives (pen, brush, image, color, and so on).
Dt Data providers and data consumers of ETL task.
Etl ETL tasks.
Express Express reports.
ExtCtrls Data access components (form designer).
Fore The Document object, dialog box for specifying values of object parameters, tasks container.
ForeNet Fore.NET objects.
Forms Standard and additional components (form designer).
Host Working with external applications, licensing.
IO Input-output operations.
Laner Analytical queries (OLAP) kernel for series mode work.
Map Maps.
MathFin Mathematical and financial operations.
Matrix Matrices.
Metabase Repository objects, security.
Mobile Publishing a mobile application container.
Modeller Express modeling.
Ms Modeling container.
Net Sending email.
NN Neural networks.
Orm Object relational model.
Pivot Analytical queries (OLAP) kernel: filtering, highlighting, express report dimensions management, and so on.
ProjectPlanning Network scheduling.
Python Calling functions in the Python language.
Rds MDM repository.
Registry Windows registry.
Report Regular reports.
Speedometer Speedometers.
Stat Statistical methods: linear regression, universal trend, and so on.
System Base methods of Fore kernel.
Tab TabSheet component.
Topobase Topobases: loading from file, saving to file.
Transform Modeling transformations kernel.
Ui Working with Foresight Analytics Platform as a Windows application.
Visualizators Visualizers.
Web Working with the web application.
Workspace Workspace objects.
Xml XML files: creating, loading to/from file, saving to file, parsing, an so on.