Database Properties

The Database Properties page is used to specify the type of the DBMS installed on the server and additional connection parameters:

The Database Properties page is used to define the following settings:

NOTE. If the Use Login Credentials checkbox is selected for the database object, the length of the database schema name must be taken into account on creating DBMS objects, because using the base name for DBMS objects as a prefix results in exceeding the limit of 30 characters per name.

On connecting to the database the Authorization in DB dialog box opens:

If the Log In Automatically checkbox is selected, the system starts checking database connection when clicking the Next button. A warning message is displayed if an error occurs. If the error occurred in database connection is not related to incorrect account data, you can continue with creating a database connection.

Connection errors occur when:

Automatic connection is executed on opening objects. On creating new relational objects (tables, queries, etc.) or changing access permissions to objects, it is required to have administrator's permissions, that is why if the current user is not administrator, the login dialog box will be displayed.

If the Log In Automatically checkbox is deselected, the move to the last page of the wizard without checking connection settings is executed on clicking the Next button.

Click the Finish button on the last page to finish the wizard work.

The page shows two options:

See also:
