ApplicationSettings: IWinApplicationSettings;
ApplicationSettings: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ui.IWinApplicationSettings;
The ApplicationSettings property returns formatting settings used in the current application.
NOTE. Formatting settings can be changed only in PROGNOZ 5 versions. Foresight Analytics Platform uses a predefined formatting scheme, formatting settings are read-only.
Sub UserProc;
Settings: IWinApplicationSettings;
Settings := WinApplication.ApplicationSettings;
Settings.TabStyles := WindowTabStyle.Chamfered;
Settings.Theme := ApplicationTheme.VisualStudio2010;
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example application formatting theme changes.
The example is an entry point of a .NET assembly.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ui;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
WinAppCls: WinApplicationClass = New WinApplicationClassClass();
Settings: IWinApplicationSettings;
Settings := WinAppCls.ApplicationSettings;
Settings.TabStyles := WindowTabStyle.wtsChamfered;
Settings.Theme := ApplicationTheme.atVisualStudio2010;
End Sub;
After executing the example application formatting theme changes.
See also: