

The ApplicationTheme enumeration contains interface formatting themes that can be used in the platform.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Office2000. Microsoft Office 97/2000 theme.
1 OfficeXP. Microsoft Office XP theme.
2 Office2003. Microsoft Office 2003 theme.
3 Office2007ObsidianBlack. Microsoft Office 2007 theme, ObsidianBlack style.
4 Office2007LunaBlue. Microsoft Office 2007 theme, LunaBlue style.
5 Office2007Aqua. Microsoft Office 2007 theme, Aqua style.
6 Office2007Silver. Microsoft Office 2007 theme, Silver style.
7 Office2010Black. Microsoft Office 2010 theme, Black style.
8 Office2010Blue. Microsoft Office 2010 theme, Blue style.
9 Office2010White. Microsoft Office 2010 theme, White style.
10 VisualStudio2005. Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 theme.
11 VisualStudio2008. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 theme.
12 VisualStudio2010. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 theme.
13 Carbon. Carbon theme.
14 Windows7. Windows 7 theme.
15 P7. Platform theme.

See also:

Ui Assembly Enumerations