

CreatePrinter: ITabSheetPrinter;


The CreatePrinter method creates an object that outtypes a table.


To execute the example a form with a button on it named Button1, a TabSheetBox component, UiTabSheet and ImageBox components named UiTabSheet1 and ImageBox1 respectively are required. The UiTabSheet is the data source for the TabSheetBox component. Also, the file system should include the C:/map.bmp file containing an image.

Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);


tSheet: ITabSheet;

Printer: ITabSheetPrinter;

pCount: Integer;

Graphics: IGxGraphics;

m_Image: IGxImage;


tSheet := UiTabSheet1.TabSheet;

Printer := tSheet.CreatePrinter;

Printer.FirstPageGap := 30;

Printer.HeaderGap := 15;

Printer.FooterGap := 30;

Printer.PageSettings.BlackAndWhite := True;

pCount := Printer.GetPageCount;

If pCount > 0 Then

m_Image := New GxImage.CreateFromFile("C:/map.bmp");

Graphics := GxGraphicsClass.FromImage(m_Image);

Printer.PrintPage(1, Graphics);

ImageBox1.Image := m_Image;

End If;

End Sub Button1OnClick;

After executing the example the contents of the TabSheetBox component is displayed in graphical form with the defined parameters in the ImageBox1 component.

See also:
