
Fore Syntax


TopRow: Integer;

LeftColumn: Integer;

BottomRow: Integer;

RightColumn: Integer): ITabRange;

Fore.NET Syntax


TopRow: integer;

LeftColumn: integer;

BottomRow: integer;

RightColumn: integer]: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Tab.ITabRange;


TopRow. Number of the top row. Admissible parameter value lies within the [0; RowsCount) range.

LeftColumn. Number of the left column. Admissible parameter value lies within the [0; ColumnsCount) range.

BottomRow. Number of the bottom row in the range. Admissible parameter value lies within the [0; RowsCount) range.

RightColumn. Number of the right column in the range. Admissible parameter value lies within the [0; ColumnsCount) range.


The Cells property returns the cell range, the coordinates of which are passed as the TopRow, LeftColumn, BottomRow and RightColumn input parameters.


To get a cell in the table range, use the ITabSheet.ParseCellEx property.

Examples of Fore and Fore.NET

The property use is given in description of the ITabRange.Merge property.

See also:
