
Fore Syntax

ArimaOrderSearch: ArimaOrderSearchType;

Fore.NET Syntax

ArimaOrderSearch: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat.ArimaOrderSearchType;


The ArimaOrderSearch property determines the method of ARIMA model specification.


To determine the order of non-seasonal and seasonal differentiation, use the ISmTramoSeats.D and ISmTramoSeats.SD properties, to determine the order of non-seasonal and seasonal autoregression, use the ISmTramoSeats.AR and ISmTramoSeats.SAR properties, to determine the order of non-seasonal and seasonal moving average, use the ISmTramoSeats.MA and ISmTramoSeats.SMA properties.

Fore and Fore.NET Examples

The property use is given in the example for ISmTramoSeats.D.

See also:
