Data: ISlSeries;
Data: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat.ISlSeries;
The Data property returns the collection of series used for clustering.
The number of clusters, into which data is divided, is determined by the ISmSelfOrganizingMap.ClusterCount property.
To execute the example, add a link to the Stat system assembly.
Sub UserSom;
som: SmSelfOrganizingMap;
x1: Array Of Double;
Obj: ISlSeries;
res, i, j: Integer;
indx0: Double;
masInteger: Array Of Integer;
masDouble: Array Of Double;
Membership: ISlSerie;
Cl: IClusterType;
som := New SmSelfOrganizingMap.Create;
// Initial data
Obj := som.Data;
x1 := New double[6];
// 19 objects with 6 attributes
x1[00] := 3.9; x1[01] := 31193917; x1[02] := 1.74;x1[03]:=2381740;x1[04]:=0;x1[05]:=5550;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := -3; x1[01] := 36955182; x1[02] := 1.16;x1[03]:=2736690;x1[04]:=30200;x1[05]:=17000;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := 4.3; x1[01] := 19169083; x1[02] := 1.02;x1[03]:=7617930;x1[04]:=68920;x1[05]:=21070;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := 0.8; x1[01] := 172860370; x1[02] := 0.94;x1[03]:=8456510;x1[04]:=55455;x1[05]:=28000;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := 3.6; x1[01] := 31281092; x1[02] := 1.02;x1[03]:=9220970;x1[04]:=755170;x1[05]:=7100;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := 7; x1[01] := 1261832482; x1[02] := 0.9;x1[03]:=9326410;x1[04]:=270550;x1[05]:=498720;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := 5.5; x1[01] := 1014003817; x1[02] := 1.58;x1[03]:=2973190;x1[04]:=314400;x1[05]:=480000;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := 0; x1[01] := 224784210; x1[02] := 1.63;x1[03]:=1826440;x1[04]:=93000;x1[05]:=45970;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := 1; x1[01] := 65619636; x1[02] := 0.83;x1[03]:=1636000;x1[04]:=12000;x1[05]:=94000;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := 1.7; x1[01] := 16733227; x1[02] := -0.05;x1[03]:=2669800;x1[04]:=47500;x1[05]:=22000;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := 2; x1[01] := 5115450; x1[02] := 2.42;x1[03]:=1759540;x1[04]:=0;x1[05]:=4700;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := 3.7; x1[01] := 100349766; x1[02] := 1.53;x1[03]:=1923040;x1[04]:=49510;x1[05]:=61000;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := 3.5; x1[01] := 2650952; x1[02] := 1.54;x1[03]:=1565000;x1[04]:=0;x1[05]:=800;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := 2; x1[01] := 10075511; x1[02] := 2.75;x1[03]:=1266700;x1[04]:=300;x1[05]:=660;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := 2.4; x1[01] := 27012899; x1[02] := 1.75;x1[03]:=1280000;x1[04]:=5220;x1[05]:=12800;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := 3.2; x1[01] := 146001176; x1[02] := -0.38;x1[03]:=16995800;x1[04]:=79400;x1[05]:=40000;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := 1.6; x1[01] := 22023506; x1[02] := 3.28;x1[03]:=1960582;x1[04]:=0;x1[05]:=4350;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := 3; x1[01] := 35079814; x1[02] := 2.84;x1[03]:=2376000;x1[04]:=129810;x1[05]:=19460;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
x1[00] := 4.1; x1[01] := 275562673; x1[02] := 0.91;x1[03]:=9158960;x1[04]:=470131;x1[05]:=207000;
Obj.Add.Value := x1;
// Number of clusters
som.ClusterCount := 3;
// Number of iterations
som.Epoch := 300;
// Method of missing data treatment
som.MissingData.Method := MissingDataMethod.Casewise;
// Run calculation and show results
res := som.Execute;
If res = 0 Then
Debug.WriteLine(" == Belonging of objects to clusters == ");
Membership := som.Membership;
For i := 0 To Membership.Value.Length - 1 Do
indx0 := Membership.Value[i];
Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString + ", " + indx0.ToString)
End For;
Debug.WriteLine(" == List of objects by clusters == ");
For i := 0 To som.ClusterCount - 1 Do //by clusters
Debug.WriteLine("Cluster No" + i.ToString);
masInteger := som.Clusters.Item(i).ObjectsList;
For j := 0 To som.Clusters.Item(i).Size - 1 Do //by all cluster objects
indx0 := masInteger[j];
Debug.WriteLine(indx0.ToString + ", ");
End For;
End For;
Debug.WriteLine(" == Cluster centers == ");
For i := 0 To som.ClusterCount - 1 Do
Debug.WriteLine("Cluster #" + i.ToString);
Cl := som.Clusters.Item(i);
masDouble := Cl.Center;
For j := 0 To Cl.Center.Length - 1 Do
indx0 := masDouble[j];
Debug.WriteLine(indx0.ToString + ", ");
End For;
End For;
End If;
End Sub UserSom;
Procedure execution result: the specified data will be clustered using self-organizing Kohonen maps; clustering results are displayed to the console window.
The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
som: SmSelfOrganizingMap;
x1: Array Of Double;
Obj: ISlSeries;
res, i, j: Integer;
indx0: Double;
masInteger, masDouble: System.Array;
Membership: ISlSerie;
Cl: IClusterType;
som := New SmSelfOrganizingMap.Create();
// Initial data
Obj := som.Data;
x1 := New double[6];
// 19 objects with 6 attributes
x1[00] := 3.9; x1[01] := 31193917; x1[02] := 1.74;x1[03]:=2381740;x1[04]:=0;x1[05]:=5550;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := -3; x1[01] := 36955182; x1[02] := 1.16;x1[03]:=2736690;x1[04]:=30200;x1[05]:=17000;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := 4.3; x1[01] := 19169083; x1[02] := 1.02;x1[03]:=7617930;x1[04]:=68920;x1[05]:=21070;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := 0.8; x1[01] := 172860370; x1[02] := 0.94;x1[03]:=8456510;x1[04]:=55455;x1[05]:=28000;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := 3.6; x1[01] := 31281092; x1[02] := 1.02;x1[03]:=9220970;x1[04]:=755170;x1[05]:=7100;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := 7; x1[01] := 1261832482; x1[02] := 0.9;x1[03]:=9326410;x1[04]:=270550;x1[05]:=498720;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := 5.5; x1[01] := 1014003817; x1[02] := 1.58;x1[03]:=2973190;x1[04]:=314400;x1[05]:=480000;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := 0; x1[01] := 224784210; x1[02] := 1.63;x1[03]:=1826440;x1[04]:=93000;x1[05]:=45970;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := 1; x1[01] := 65619636; x1[02] := 0.83;x1[03]:=1636000;x1[04]:=12000;x1[05]:=94000;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := 1.7; x1[01] := 16733227; x1[02] := -0.05;x1[03]:=2669800;x1[04]:=47500;x1[05]:=22000;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := 2; x1[01] := 5115450; x1[02] := 2.42;x1[03]:=1759540;x1[04]:=0;x1[05]:=4700;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := 3.7; x1[01] := 100349766; x1[02] := 1.53;x1[03]:=1923040;x1[04]:=49510;x1[05]:=61000;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := 3.5; x1[01] := 2650952; x1[02] := 1.54;x1[03]:=1565000;x1[04]:=0;x1[05]:=800;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := 2; x1[01] := 10075511; x1[02] := 2.75;x1[03]:=1266700;x1[04]:=300;x1[05]:=660;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := 2.4; x1[01] := 27012899; x1[02] := 1.75;x1[03]:=1280000;x1[04]:=5220;x1[05]:=12800;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := 3.2; x1[01] := 146001176; x1[02] := -0.38;x1[03]:=16995800;x1[04]:=79400;x1[05]:=40000;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := 1.6; x1[01] := 22023506; x1[02] := 3.28;x1[03]:=1960582;x1[04]:=0;x1[05]:=4350;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := 3; x1[01] := 35079814; x1[02] := 2.84;x1[03]:=2376000;x1[04]:=129810;x1[05]:=19460;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
x1[00] := 4.1; x1[01] := 275562673; x1[02] := 0.91;x1[03]:=9158960;x1[04]:=470131;x1[05]:=207000;
Obj.Add().Value := x1;
// Number of clusters
som.ClusterCount := 3;
// Number of iterations
som.Epoch := 300;
// Missing data treatment method som.MissingData.Method := MissingDataMethod.mdmCasewise;
// Perform calculation and display results
res := som.Execute();
If res = 0 Then
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" == Belonging of objects to clusters == ");
Membership := som.Membership;
For i := 0 To Membership.Value.Length - 1 Do
indx0 := Membership.Value.GetValue(i) As Double;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString() + ", " + indx0.ToString())
End For;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" == List of objects by clusters == ");
For i := 0 To som.ClusterCount - 1 Do //by clusters
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Cluster No" + i.ToString());
masInteger := som.Clusters.Item[i].ObjectsList;
For j := 0 To som.Clusters.Item[i].Size - 1 Do //by all cluster objects
indx0 := masInteger[j] As Integer;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(indx0.ToString() + ", ");
End For;
End For;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" == Cluster centers == ");
For i := 0 To som.ClusterCount - 1 Do
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Cluster #" + i.ToString());
Cl := som.Clusters.Item[i];
masDouble := Cl.Center;
For j := 0 To Cl.Center.Length - 1 Do
indx0 := masDouble[j] As Double;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(indx0.ToString() + ", ");
End For;
End For;
End If;
End Sub;
See also: