DPrior: ISlSerie;
DPrior: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat.ISlSerie;
The DPrior property determines prior differences.
To specify a priory values use the ISmLRXFilter.Prior property.
To execute the example, add a link to the Stat system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
lrx: SmLRXFilter;
status, i: Integer;
can, w1, w2, w3, P, Dp: Array[15] Of Double;
SumStat: ISummaryStatistics;
// Specify values of can, P variables
can[00] := 6209; P[00] := 4110;
can[01] := 6385; P[01] := 4280;
can[02] := 6752; P[02] := 4459;
can[03] := Double.Nan; P[03] := 4545;
can[04] := 6495; P[04] := 4664;
can[05] := 6907; P[05] := 4861;
can[06] := 7349; P[06] := 5195;
can[07] := 7213; P[07] := 5389;
can[08] := 7061; P[08] := 5463;
can[09] := 7180; P[09] := 5610;
can[10] := 7132; P[10] := 5948;
can[11] := 7137; P[11] := 6218;
can[12] := 7473; P[12] := 6521;
can[13] := 7722; P[13] := 6788;
can[14] := 8088; P[14] := 7222;
// Specify values of w1, w2,w3 variables
w1[0] := 1; w2[0] := 15; w3[0] := 1;
w1[1] := 2; w2[1] := 14; w3[1] := 2;
w1[2] := 3; w2[2] := 13; w3[2] := 3;
w1[3] := 4; w2[3] := 12; w3[3] := 4;
w1[4] := 5; w2[4] := 11; w3[4] := 5;
w1[5] := 6; w2[5] := 10; w3[5] := 6;
w1[6] := 7; w2[6] := 9; w3[6] := 7;
w1[7] := 8; w2[7] := 8; w3[7] := 8;
w1[8] := 9; w2[8] := 7; w3[8] := 7;
w1[9] := 10; w2[9] := 6; w3[9] := 6;
w1[10] := 11; w2[10] := 5; w3[10] := 5;
w1[11] := 12; w2[11] := 4; w3[11] := 4;
w1[12] := 13; w2[12] := 3; w3[12] := 3;
w1[13] := 14; w2[13] := 2; w3[13] := 2;
w1[14] := 15; w2[14] := 1; w3[14] := 1;
// Create a method
lrx := New SmLRXFilter.Create;
// Specify source series
lrx.Serie.Value := can;
// Specify prior values
lrx.Prior.Value := P;
// Specify weights
lrx.w1.Value := w1;
lrx.w2.Value := w2;
lrx.w3.Value := w3;
//Specify prior differences
Dp[0] := 0;
For i := 1 To 14 Do
DP[i] := P[i] - P[i - 1];
End For;
lrx.DPrior.Value := Dp;
// Specify missing data treatment method
lrx.MissingData.Method := MissingDataMethod.SampleAverage;
// Specify calculation period parameters
lrx.ModelPeriod.FirstPoint := 1;
lrx.ModelPeriod.LastPoint := 15;
// Specify series smoothing degree
lrx.SmoothingParameter := 110;
// Run calculation and output the results to console window
status := lrx.Execute;
If status = 0 Then
Debug.WriteLine(""); Debug.WriteLine("Summary statistics:");
SumStat := lrx.SummaryStatistics;
Debug.WriteLine(" - Durbin-Watson statistic: " + SumStat.DW.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine(" - Sum of squared residuals: " + SumStat.SSR.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine(""); Debug.WriteLine("Modeling series");
Debug.WriteLine(""); Debug.WriteLine("Residual series");
End If;
End Sub UserProc;
// Data output procedure
Sub Print(Data: Array Of Double);
i: Integer;
For i := 0 To Data.Length - 1 Do
Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString + " " + Data[i].ToString);
End For;
End Sub Print;
Example execution result: the LRX filter is set up and calculated, calculation results are output to the console window.
The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
lrx: SmLRXFilter;
status, i: Integer;
can, w1, w2, w3, P, Dp: Array[15] Of Double;
SumStat: ISummaryStatistics;
// Specify values of can, P variables
can[00] := 6209; P[00] := 4110;
can[01] := 6385; P[01] := 4280;
can[02] := 6752; P[02] := 4459;
can[03] := Double.Nan; P[03] := 4545;
can[04] := 6495; P[04] := 4664;
can[05] := 6907; P[05] := 4861;
can[06] := 7349; P[06] := 5195;
can[07] := 7213; P[07] := 5389;
can[08] := 7061; P[08] := 5463;
can[09] := 7180; P[09] := 5610;
can[10] := 7132; P[10] := 5948;
can[11] := 7137; P[11] := 6218;
can[12] := 7473; P[12] := 6521;
can[13] := 7722; P[13] := 6788;
can[14] := 8088; P[14] := 7222;
// Specify values of w1, w2,w3 variables
w1[0] := 1; w2[0] := 15; w3[0] := 1;
w1[1] := 2; w2[1] := 14; w3[1] := 2;
w1[2] := 3; w2[2] := 13; w3[2] := 3;
w1[3] := 4; w2[3] := 12; w3[3] := 4;
w1[4] := 5; w2[4] := 11; w3[4] := 5;
w1[5] := 6; w2[5] := 10; w3[5] := 6;
w1[6] := 7; w2[6] := 9; w3[6] := 7;
w1[7] := 8; w2[7] := 8; w3[7] := 8;
w1[8] := 9; w2[8] := 7; w3[8] := 7;
w1[9] := 10; w2[9] := 6; w3[9] := 6;
w1[10] := 11; w2[10] := 5; w3[10] := 5;
w1[11] := 12; w2[11] := 4; w3[11] := 4;
w1[12] := 13; w2[12] := 3; w3[12] := 3;
w1[13] := 14; w2[13] := 2; w3[13] := 2;
w1[14] := 15; w2[14] := 1; w3[14] := 1;
// Create a method
lrx := New SmLRXFilter.Create();
// Specify source series
lrx.Serie.Value := can;
// Specify prior values
lrx.Prior.Value := P;
// Specify weights
lrx.w1.Value := w1;
lrx.w2.Value := w2;
lrx.w3.Value := w3;
//Specify prior differences
Dp[0] := 0;
For i := 1 To 14 Do
DP[i] := P[i] - P[i - 1];
End For;
lrx.DPrior.Value := Dp;
// Specify missing data treatment method
lrx.MissingData.Method := MissingDataMethod.mdmSampleAverage;
// Specify calculation period parameters
lrx.ModelPeriod.FirstPoint := 1;
lrx.ModelPeriod.LastPoint := 15;
// Specify series smoothing degree
lrx.SmoothingParameter := 110;
// Run calculation and output the results to console window
status := lrx.Execute();
If status = 0 Then
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(""); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Summary statistic:");
SumStat := lrx.SummaryStatistics;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" - Durbin-Watson statistic: " + SumStat.DW.ToString());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" - sum of squared residuals: " + SumStat.SSR.ToString());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(""); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Modeling series");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(""); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Residual series");
End If;
End Sub;
// Data output procedure
Public Shared Sub Print(Data: System.Array);
i: Integer;
For i := 0 To Data.Length - 1 Do
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString() + " " + Data[i].ToString());
End For;
End Sub Print;
See also: