MahalanobisDistances: Array;
MahalanobisDistances: System.Array;
The MahalanobisDistances property returns a series of Mahalanobis distances.
The property is relevant if ISmHighlightExceptions.IsContinuousData = True, that is, data is quantitative.
To execute the example, add a link to the Stat system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
method: SmHighlightExceptions;
v1,v2,v3,v4: Array[11] Of Double;
i,res: Integer;
method := New SmHighlightExceptions.Create;
v1[0]:=284.8; v2[0]:=199.9; v3[0]:=2.8; v4[0]:=40.8;
v1[1]:=238.7; v2[1]:=190.0; v3[1]:=5.5; v4[1]:=43.6;
v1[2]:=287.9; v2[2]:=189.8; v3[2]:=5.6; v4[2]:=39.4;
v1[3]:=269.3; v2[3]:=206.9; v3[3]:=6.3; v4[3]:=29.8;
v1[4]:=187.4; v2[4]:=159.8; v3[4]:=10.3; v4[4]:=43.3;
v1[5]:=369.3; v2[5]:=188.9; v3[5]:=1.9; v4[5]:=54.3;
v1[6]:=354.0; v2[6]:=163.0; v3[6]:=6.3; v4[6]:=79.1;
v1[7]:=706.4; v2[7]:=163.6; v3[7]:=9.0; v4[7]:=66.8;
v1[8]:=267.7; v2[8]:=214.5; v3[8]:=7.8; v4[8]:=56.3;
v1[9]:=182.8; v2[9]:=194.3; v3[9]:=8.8; v4[9]:=64.5;
v1[10]:=603.8; v2[10]:=280.9; v3[10]:=7.3; v4[10]:=102.4;
// Choose series:
method.Data.Add.Value := v1;
method.Data.Add.Value := v2;
method.Data.Add.Value := v3;
method.Data.Add.Value := v4;
// Data is quantitative:
method.IsContinuousData := True;
// Method of calculating Mahalanobis distances:
method.HEDistance := HEDistanceType.DispersionrEllepceMahalanobisFast;
// Median deviation:
method.MedianDeviationFraction := 0.5;
// Run calculation and show results:
res := method.Execute;
Debug.WriteLine("MahalanobisDistances: ");
For i := 0 To method.MahalanobisDistances.Length - 1 Do
Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString + ": " + method.MahalanobisDistances[i].ToString);
End For;
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the console window displays a series of Mahalanobis distances.
The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
method: SmHighlightExceptions;
MahalanobisDistances: System.Array;
v1,v2,v3,v4: Array[11] Of double;
i,res: integer;
method := New SmHighlightExceptions.Create();
v1[0]:=284.8; v2[0]:=199.9; v3[0]:=2.8; v4[0]:=40.8;
v1[1]:=238.7; v2[1]:=190.0; v3[1]:=5.5; v4[1]:=43.6;
v1[2]:=287.9; v2[2]:=189.8; v3[2]:=5.6; v4[2]:=39.4;
v1[3]:=269.3; v2[3]:=206.9; v3[3]:=6.3; v4[3]:=29.8;
v1[4]:=187.4; v2[4]:=159.8; v3[4]:=10.3; v4[4]:=43.3;
v1[5]:=369.3; v2[5]:=188.9; v3[5]:=1.9; v4[5]:=54.3;
v1[6]:=354.0; v2[6]:=163.0; v3[6]:=6.3; v4[6]:=79.1;
v1[7]:=706.4; v2[7]:=163.6; v3[7]:=9.0; v4[7]:=66.8;
v1[8]:=267.7; v2[8]:=214.5; v3[8]:=7.8; v4[8]:=56.3;
v1[9]:=182.8; v2[9]:=194.3; v3[9]:=8.8; v4[9]:=64.5;
v1[10]:=603.8; v2[10]:=280.9; v3[10]:=7.3; v4[10]:=102.4;
// Choose series:
//Serie := method.Data.Add();
method.Data.Add().Value := v1;
method.Data.Add().Value := v2;
method.Data.Add().Value := v3;
method.Data.Add().Value := v4;
// Data is quantitative:
method.IsContinuousData := True;
// Method of calculating Mahalanobis distances:
method.HEDistance := HEDistanceType.hedDispersionrEllepceMahalanobisFast;
// Median deviation:
method.MedianDeviationFraction := 0.5;
// Run calculation and show results:
res := method.Execute();
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("MahalanobisDistances: ");
MahalanobisDistances := method.MahalanobisDistances;
For i := 0 To method.MahalanobisDistances.Length - 1 Do
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(i.ToString() + ": ");
End For;
End Sub;
See also: