SpecificInstrumental: ISlSeries;
SpecificInstrumental: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat.ISlSeries;
The SpecificInstrumental property returns parameters of special equation variables.
The property is relevant only for the SimultaneousSystemMode.TSLS and SimultaneousSystemMode.3SLS methods.
To execute the example, add a link to the Stat system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
simeq: SmSimultaneousSystem;
eqs: ISlSimultaneousEquations;
eq: ISlSimultaneousEquation;
can, fra, ger, ita, jpn, us, uk: Array[20] Of Double;
i, j, res: Integer;
simeq := New SmSimultaneousSystem.Create;
//values can,fra,ger,ita,jpn,us,uk
can[00] := 6209; fra[00] := 4110; ger[00] := 3415; ita[00] := 2822; jpn[00] := 1475; uk[00] := 5320; us[00] := 8680;
can[01] := 6385; fra[01] := 4280; ger[01] := 3673; ita[01] := 3023; jpn[01] := 1649; uk[01] := 5484; us[01] := 9132;
can[02] := 6752; fra[02] := 4459; ger[02] := 4013; ita[02] := 3131; jpn[02] := 1787; uk[02] := 5517; us[02] := 9213;
can[03] := 6837; fra[03] := 4545; ger[03] := 4278; ita[03] := 3351; jpn[03] := 1884; uk[03] := 5791; us[03] := 9450;
can[04] := 6495; fra[04] := 4664; ger[04] := 4577; ita[04] := 3463; jpn[04] := 1972; uk[04] := 5971; us[04] := 9177;
can[05] := 6907; fra[05] := 4861; ger[05] := 5135; ita[05] := 3686; jpn[05] := 2108; uk[05] := 6158; us[05] := 9756;
can[06] := 7349; fra[06] := 5195; ger[06] := 5388; ita[06] := 3815; jpn[06] := 2249; uk[06] := 6238; us[06] := 9756;
can[07] := 7213; fra[07] := 5389; ger[07] := 5610; ita[07] := 3960; jpn[07] := 2394; uk[07] := 6322; us[07] := 9724;
can[08] := 7061; fra[08] := 5463; ger[08] := 5787; ita[08] := 4119; jpn[08] := 2505; uk[08] := 6340; us[08] := 9476;
can[09] := 7180; fra[09] := 5610; ger[09] := 6181; ita[09] := 4351; jpn[09] := 2714; uk[09] := 6569; us[09] := 9913;
can[10] := 7132; fra[10] := 5948; ger[10] := 6633; ita[10] := 4641; jpn[10] := 3052; uk[10] := 6813; us[10] := 9974;
can[11] := 7137; fra[11] := 6218; ger[11] := 6910; ita[11] := 5008; jpn[11] := 3453; uk[11] := 6974; us[11] := 10046;
can[12] := 7473; fra[12] := 6521; ger[12] := 7146; ita[12] := 5305; jpn[12] := 3666; uk[12] := 6994; us[12] := 10467;
can[13] := 7722; fra[13] := 6788; ger[13] := 7248; ita[13] := 5611; jpn[13] := 4008; uk[13] := 7220; us[13] := 10740;
can[14] := 8088; fra[14] := 7222; ger[14] := 7689; ita[14] := 5693; jpn[14] := 4486; uk[14] := 7570; us[14] := 11157;
can[15] := 8516; fra[15] := 7486; ger[15] := 8046; ita[15] := 5804; jpn[15] := 4663; uk[15] := 7686; us[15] := 11738;
can[16] := 8941; fra[16] := 7832; ger[16] := 8143; ita[16] := 6121; jpn[16] := 5115; uk[16] := 7811; us[16] := 12274;
can[17] := 9064; fra[17] := 8153; ger[17] := 8064; ita[17] := 6546; jpn[17] := 5655; uk[17] := 8012; us[17] := 12450;
can[18] := 9380; fra[18] := 8468; ger[18] := 8556; ita[18] := 6918; jpn[18] := 6358; uk[18] := 8265; us[18] := 12874;
// calculation period
simeq.ModelPeriod.FirstPoint := 1;
simeq.ModelPeriod.LastPoint := 20;
// Method of missing data treatment
simeq.MissingData.Method := MissingDataMethod.LinTrend;
// estimation method for simultaneous equation systems
simeq.SimultaneousSystemMethod := SimultaneousSystemMode.General;
// use constant as instrumental variable
simeq.UseConstantAsInstrument := True;
eqs := simeq.Equations;
eq := eqs.Add;
// parameters of dependent variable in model
eq.DependentVariable.Value := can;
// parameters of endogenous variables in equation
eq.EndogenousVariables.Add.Value := fra;
eq.EndogenousVariables.Add.Value := ger;
// parameters of exogenous variables in equation
eq.ExogenousVariables.Add.Value := us;
eq.ExogenousVariables.Add.Value := uk;
// parameters of constant for equation
eq.Intercept.Mode := InterceptMode.AutoEstimate;
eq := eqs.Add;
eq.DependentVariable.Value := fra;
eq.EndogenousVariables.Add.Value := ger;
eq.EndogenousVariables.Add.Value := ita;
eq.ExogenousVariables.Add.Value := jpn;
eq.ExogenousVariables.Add.Value := us;
// stack instrumental variables
eq.SpecificInstrumental.Add.Value := us;
// maximum number of iterations
simeq.MaxIteration := 250;
// accuracy of solution
simeq.Tolerance := 0.0001;
// model calculation and output of results
res := simeq.Execute;
Debug.WriteLine("First equation");
Debug.WriteLine("Equation coefficient estimation");
Debug.WriteLine("Constant: " + eqs.Item(0).Intercept.Estimate.ToString + " " +
eqs.Item(0).Intercept.StandardError.ToString + " " +
eqs.Item(0).Intercept.TStatistic.ToString + " " +
Debug.WriteLine("Endogenous coefficients:");
For i := 0 To eqs.Item(0).EndogenousCoefficients.Estimate.Length - 1 Do
Debug.WriteLine("X " + (i + 1).ToString + ": " +
eqs.Item(0).EndogenousCoefficients.Estimate[i].ToString + " " +
eqs.Item(0).EndogenousCoefficients.StandardError[i].ToString + " " +
eqs.Item(0).EndogenousCoefficients.TStatistic[i].ToString + " " +
End For;
Debug.WriteLine("Exogenous coefficients:");
For i := 0 To eqs.Item(0).ExogenousCoefficients.Estimate.Length - 1 Do
Debug.WriteLine("Z " + (i + 1).ToString + ": " +
eqs.Item(0).ExogenousCoefficients.Estimate[i].ToString + " " +
eqs.Item(0).ExogenousCoefficients.StandardError[i].ToString + " " +
eqs.Item(0).ExogenousCoefficients.TStatistic[i].ToString + " " +
End For;
Debug.WriteLine("Modeling series:");
For i := 0 To eqs.Item(0).Fitted.Length - 1 Do
Debug.Write(i.ToString + " ");
End For;
Debug.WriteLine("Residual series:");
For j := 0 To simeq.ModelPeriod.LastPoint - 1 Do
Debug.Write(j.ToString + " ");
End For;
Debug.WriteLine("Second equation");
Debug.WriteLine("Equation coefficient estimation");
Debug.WriteLine("Constant: " + eqs.Item(1).Intercept.Estimate.ToString + " " +
eqs.Item(1).Intercept.StandardError.ToString + " " +
eqs.Item(1).Intercept.TStatistic.ToString + " " +
Debug.WriteLine("Endogenous coefficients:");
For i := 0 To eqs.Item(1).EndogenousCoefficients.Estimate.Length - 1 Do
Debug.WriteLine("X" + (i + 1).ToString + ": " +
eqs.Item(1).EndogenousCoefficients.Estimate[i].ToString + " " +
eqs.Item(1).EndogenousCoefficients.StandardError[i].ToString + " " +
eqs.Item(1).EndogenousCoefficients.TStatistic[i].ToString + " " +
End For;
Debug.WriteLine("Exogenous coefficients:");
For i := 0 To eqs.Item(1).ExogenousCoefficients.Estimate.Length - 1 Do
Debug.WriteLine("Z" + (i + 1).ToString + ": " +
eqs.Item(1).ExogenousCoefficients.Estimate[i].ToString + " " +
eqs.Item(1).ExogenousCoefficients.StandardError[i].ToString + " " +
eqs.Item(1).ExogenousCoefficients.TStatistic[i].ToString + " " +
End For;
Debug.WriteLine("Modeling series:");
For i := 0 To simeq.ModelPeriod.LastPoint - 1 Do
Debug.Write(i.ToString + " ");
End For;
Debug.WriteLine("Residual series:");
For j := 0 To simeq.ModelPeriod.LastPoint - 1 Do
Debug.Write(j.ToString + " ");
End For;
Debug.WriteLine("Summary statistics");
Debug.WriteLine("First equation");
Debug.WriteLine("Akaike criterion: " + eqs.Item(0).SummaryStatistics.AIC.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("Durbin-Watson statistic: " + eqs.Item(0).SummaryStatistics.DW.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("Second equation");
Debug.WriteLine("Akaike criterion: " + eqs.Item(1).SummaryStatistics.AIC.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine("Durbin-Watson statistic: " + eqs.Item(1).SummaryStatistics.DW.ToString);
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the console window displays summary statistics, endogenous and exogenous coefficients of equations, modeling series and residual series for both equations.
The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
simeq: SmSimultaneousSystem;
eqs: ISlSimultaneousEquations;
eq: ISlSimultaneousEquation;
Endogenous, Exogenous: ISlSerie;
Intercept: IIntercept;
Coeff: ICoefficients;
can, fra, ger, ita, jpn, us, uk: Array[20] Of Double;
Estimate, Fitted, Residuals: Array;
CoeffEst, CoeffStE, CoeffTSt, CoeffProb: System.Array;
i, j, res: Integer;
simeq := New SmSimultaneousSystem.Create();
//values can,fra,ger,ita,jpn,us,uk
can[00] := 6209; fra[00] := 4110; ger[00] := 3415; ita[00] := 2822; jpn[00] := 1475; uk[00] := 5320; us[00] := 8680;
can[01] := 6385; fra[01] := 4280; ger[01] := 3673; ita[01] := 3023; jpn[01] := 1649; uk[01] := 5484; us[01] := 9132;
can[02] := 6752; fra[02] := 4459; ger[02] := 4013; ita[02] := 3131; jpn[02] := 1787; uk[02] := 5517; us[02] := 9213;
can[03] := 6837; fra[03] := 4545; ger[03] := 4278; ita[03] := 3351; jpn[03] := 1884; uk[03] := 5791; us[03] := 9450;
can[04] := 6495; fra[04] := 4664; ger[04] := 4577; ita[04] := 3463; jpn[04] := 1972; uk[04] := 5971; us[04] := 9177;
can[05] := 6907; fra[05] := 4861; ger[05] := 5135; ita[05] := 3686; jpn[05] := 2108; uk[05] := 6158; us[05] := 9756;
can[06] := 7349; fra[06] := 5195; ger[06] := 5388; ita[06] := 3815; jpn[06] := 2249; uk[06] := 6238; us[06] := 9756;
can[07] := 7213; fra[07] := 5389; ger[07] := 5610; ita[07] := 3960; jpn[07] := 2394; uk[07] := 6322; us[07] := 9724;
can[08] := 7061; fra[08] := 5463; ger[08] := 5787; ita[08] := 4119; jpn[08] := 2505; uk[08] := 6340; us[08] := 9476;
can[09] := 7180; fra[09] := 5610; ger[09] := 6181; ita[09] := 4351; jpn[09] := 2714; uk[09] := 6569; us[09] := 9913;
can[10] := 7132; fra[10] := 5948; ger[10] := 6633; ita[10] := 4641; jpn[10] := 3052; uk[10] := 6813; us[10] := 9974;
can[11] := 7137; fra[11] := 6218; ger[11] := 6910; ita[11] := 5008; jpn[11] := 3453; uk[11] := 6974; us[11] := 10046;
can[12] := 7473; fra[12] := 6521; ger[12] := 7146; ita[12] := 5305; jpn[12] := 3666; uk[12] := 6994; us[12] := 10467;
can[13] := 7722; fra[13] := 6788; ger[13] := 7248; ita[13] := 5611; jpn[13] := 4008; uk[13] := 7220; us[13] := 10740;
can[14] := 8088; fra[14] := 7222; ger[14] := 7689; ita[14] := 5693; jpn[14] := 4486; uk[14] := 7570; us[14] := 11157;
can[15] := 8516; fra[15] := 7486; ger[15] := 8046; ita[15] := 5804; jpn[15] := 4663; uk[15] := 7686; us[15] := 11738;
can[16] := 8941; fra[16] := 7832; ger[16] := 8143; ita[16] := 6121; jpn[16] := 5115; uk[16] := 7811; us[16] := 12274;
can[17] := 9064; fra[17] := 8153; ger[17] := 8064; ita[17] := 6546; jpn[17] := 5655; uk[17] := 8012; us[17] := 12450;
can[18] := 9380; fra[18] := 8468; ger[18] := 8556; ita[18] := 6918; jpn[18] := 6358; uk[18] := 8265; us[18] := 12874;
// calculation period
simeq.ModelPeriod.FirstPoint := 1;
simeq.ModelPeriod.LastPoint := 20;
// Missing data treatment method
simeq.MissingData.Method := MissingDataMethod.mdmLinTrend;
// estimation method for simultaneous equation systems
simeq.SimultaneousSystemMethod := SimultaneousSystemMode.ssmGeneral;
// use constant as instrumental variable
simeq.UseConstantAsInstrument := True;
eqs := simeq.Equations;
eq := eqs.Add();
// parameters of dependent variable in model
eq.DependentVariable.Value := can;
// parameters of endogenous variables in equation
Endogenous := eq.EndogenousVariables.Add();
Endogenous.Value := fra;
Endogenous := eq.EndogenousVariables.Add();
Endogenous.Value := ger;
// parameters of exogenous variables in equation
Exogenous := eq.ExogenousVariables.Add();
Exogenous.Value := us;
Exogenous := eq.ExogenousVariables.Add();
Exogenous.Value := uk;
// parameters of constant for equation
eq.Intercept.Mode := InterceptMode.imNone;
eq := eqs.Add();
eq.DependentVariable.Value := fra;
Endogenous := eq.EndogenousVariables.Add();
Endogenous.Value := ger;
Endogenous := eq.EndogenousVariables.Add();
Endogenous.Value := ita;
eq.EndogenousVariables.Item[1].Include := False;
Exogenous := eq.ExogenousVariables.Add();
Exogenous.Value := jpn;
Exogenous := eq.ExogenousVariables.Add();
Exogenous.Value := us;
// stack instrumental variables
eq.SpecificInstrumental.Add().Value := us;
// maximum number of iterations
simeq.MaxIteration := 250;
// accuracy of solution
simeq.Tolerance := 0.0001;
// model calculation and output of results
res := simeq.Execute();
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("First equation");
Intercept := eqs.Item[0].Intercept;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Constant: " + Intercept.Estimate.ToString() + " " +
Intercept.StandardError.ToString() + " " +
Intercept.TStatistic.ToString() + " " +
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Endogenous coefficients:");
Coeff := eqs.Item[0].EndogenousCoefficients;
CoeffEst := Coeff.Estimate;
CoeffStE := Coeff.StandardError;
CoeffTSt := Coeff.TStatistic;
CoeffProb := Coeff.Probability;
For i := 0 To eqs.Item[0].EndogenousCoefficients.Estimate.Length - 1 Do
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("X " + (i + 1).ToString() + ": " +
CoeffEst[i].ToString() + " " + CoeffStE[i].ToString() + " " +
CoeffTSt[i].ToString() + " " + CoeffProb[i].ToString());
End For;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exogenous coefficients:");
Coeff := eqs.Item[0].ExogenousCoefficients;
CoeffEst := Coeff.Estimate;
CoeffStE := Coeff.StandardError;
CoeffTSt := Coeff.TStatistic;
CoeffProb := Coeff.Probability;
For i := 0 To eqs.Item[0].ExogenousCoefficients.Estimate.Length - 1 Do
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Z " + (i + 1).ToString() + ": " +
CoeffEst[i].ToString() + " " + CoeffStE[i].ToString() + " " +
CoeffTSt[i].ToString() + " " + CoeffProb[i].ToString());
End For;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Modeling series:");
Fitted := eqs.Item[0].Fitted;
For j := 0 To simeq.ModelPeriod.LastPoint - 1 Do
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(j.ToString() + " ");
End For;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Residual series:");
Residuals := eqs.Item[0].Residuals;
For j := 0 To simeq.ModelPeriod.LastPoint - 1 Do
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(j.ToString() + " ");
End For;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Second equation");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Equation coefficient estimation");
Intercept := eqs.Item[1].Intercept;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Constant: " + Intercept.Estimate.ToString() + " " +
Intercept.StandardError.ToString() + " " +
Intercept.TStatistic.ToString() + " " +
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Endogenous coefficients:");
Coeff := eqs.Item[1].EndogenousCoefficients;
CoeffEst := Coeff.Estimate;
CoeffStE := Coeff.StandardError;
CoeffTSt := Coeff.TStatistic;
CoeffProb := Coeff.Probability;
For i := 0 To eqs.Item[1].EndogenousCoefficients.Estimate.Length - 1 Do
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("X" + (i + 1).ToString() + ": " +
CoeffEst[i].ToString() + " " + CoeffStE[i].ToString() + " " +
CoeffTSt[i].ToString() + " " + CoeffProb[i].ToString());
End For;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exogenous coefficients:");
Coeff := eqs.Item[1].ExogenousCoefficients;
CoeffEst := Coeff.Estimate;
CoeffStE := Coeff.StandardError;
CoeffTSt := Coeff.TStatistic;
CoeffProb := Coeff.Probability;
For i := 0 To eqs.Item[1].ExogenousCoefficients.Estimate.Length - 1 Do
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Z" + (i + 1).ToString() + ": " +
CoeffEst[i].ToString() + " " + CoeffStE[i].ToString() + " " +
CoeffTSt[i].ToString() + " " + CoeffProb[i].ToString());
End For;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Modeling series:");
Fitted := eqs.Item[1].Fitted;
For j := 0 To simeq.ModelPeriod.LastPoint - 1 Do
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(j.ToString() + " ");
End For;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Residual series:");
Residuals := eqs.Item[1].Residuals;
For j := 0 To simeq.ModelPeriod.LastPoint - 1 Do
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(j.ToString() + " ");
End For;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Summary statistics");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("First equation");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Akaike criterion: " + eqs.Item[0].SummaryStatistics.AIC.ToString());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Durbin-Watson statistic: " + eqs.Item[0].SummaryStatistics.DW.ToString());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Second equation");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Akaike criterion: " + eqs.Item[1].SummaryStatistics.AIC.ToString());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Durbin-Watson statistic: " + eqs.Item[1].SummaryStatistics.DW.ToString());
End Sub;
See also: