

CointegralCoefficients: ICoefficients;


The CointegralCoefficients property returns coefficients of cointegration equations.


These coefficients are calculated if the cointegration relationships are specified.


Sub Main;


y1, y2: Array[23] Of Double;

CI: Array Of Double;

Per: IStatPeriod;

i, j, res: Integer;

d: Double;

ECM: ISmErrorCorrectionModel;

Eqs: ISlEquations;

Eq: ISlEquation;

ARO: Array[1] Of Integer;


// array values y1, y2

y1[00] := 6209; y2[00] := 4110;

y1[01] := 6385; y2[01] := 4280;

y1[02] := 6752; y2[02] := 4459;

y1[03] := 6837; y2[03] := 4545;

y1[04] := 6495; y2[04] := 4664;

y1[05] := 6907; y2[05] := 4861;

y1[06] := 7349; y2[06] := Double.Nan;

y1[07] := 7213; y2[07] := Double.Nan;

y1[08] := 7061; y2[08] := Double.Nan;

y1[09] := 7180; y2[09] := 5610;

y1[10] := 7132; y2[10] := 5948;

y1[11] := 7137; y2[11] := 6218;

y1[12] := 7473; y2[12] := 6521;

y1[13] := 7722; y2[13] := 6788;

y1[14] := 8088; y2[14] := 7222;

y1[15] := 8516; y2[15] := 7486;

y1[16] := 8941; y2[16] := 7832;

y1[17] := 9064; y2[17] := 8153;

y1[18] := 9380; y2[18] := 8468;

y1[19] := 9746; y2[19] := 9054;

y1[20] := 9907; y2[20] := 9499;

y1[21] := 10333; y2[21] := 9866;

y1[22] := 10863; y2[22] := 10217;

ARO[0] := 1;

ECM := New SmErrorCorrectionModel.Create;

Eqs := ECM.Equations;

Eq := Eqs.Add;

Eq.Serie.Value := y1;

Eq.AutoRegressionOrder := ARO;

Eq.Forecast.LastPoint := 30;

Eq := Eqs.Add;

Eq.Serie.Value := y2;

Eq.AutoRegressionOrder := ARO;

Eq.Forecast.LastPoint := 30;

ECM.CointegralCount := 1;

ECM.ModelType := ECMType.NoTrendNoIntercept;

Ecm.ModelPeriod.FirstPoint := 1;

Ecm.ModelPeriod.LastPoint := 23;

Ecm.MissingData.Method := MissingDataMethod.Casewise;

res := Ecm.Execute;

Debug.WriteLine(" == Execution status: " + res.ToString);

Debug.WriteLine(" == Message: " + Ecm.Errors);

//Cointegration equation

CI := New Double[3];

Debug.WriteLine(" == Cointegration equations == ");

For i := 0 To Ecm.CointegralCount-1 Do //by equations

CI := Ecm.CointegralEquations.Item(i).Value;

For j := 0 To CI.Length-1 Do

d := CI[j];

If (ECM.ModelType = ECMType.NoTrendIntercept)And(j = CI.Length-1) Then

Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString + ", const " + d.ToString);


Debug.WriteLine('(' +i.ToString + ", " + j.ToString + "): " + d.ToString);

End If;

End For;


End For;

//Cointegration link coefficients

Debug.WriteLine(" == Cointegration links coefficients == ");

For i := 0 To Ecm.Equations.Count-1 Do //by equations

d := Ecm.Equations.Item(i).CointegralCoefficients.Estimate[0];

Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString+ ": " +d.ToString);

End For;


End Sub Main;

After executing the example the console window displays the following data:

Module execution started

== Execution status: 0

== Message: No errors

== Cointegration equations ==

(0, 0): 1

(0, 1): -4.7243415441901586


== Cointegration links coefficients ==

0: -0.017269498732288502

1: -0.010511690310018435


Module execution finished

See also:
