ForecastSeasonality: IForecast;
ForecastSeasonality: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat.IForecast;
The ForecastSeasonality property determines parameters of forecasting series dependence form adjusted for seasonality.
The last forecast point and significance of confidence limits is set from the ISmCurveEstimation.ForecastLastPoint and ISmCurveEstimation.ForecastConfidenceLevel properties correspondingly.
Add a link to the Stat system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
trend: SmCurveEstimation;
d0: Double;
status, i: Integer;
ar: Array Of Double;
Forms: IDependenceForms;
Dep: IDependenceForm;
ForecastS: IForecast;
// Create object to find dependency form
trend := New SmCurveEstimation.Create;
// Set values of explanatory series
ar := New Double[25];
ar[00] := 4110; ar[01] := 4280; ar[02] := 4459;
ar[03] := 4545; ar[04] := 4664; ar[05] := 4861;
ar[06] := 5195; ar[07] := 5389; ar[08] := 5463;
ar[09] := 5610; ar[10] := 5948; ar[11] := 6218;
ar[12] := 6521; ar[13] := 6788; ar[14] := 7222;
ar[15] := 7486; ar[16] := 7832; ar[17] := 8153;
ar[18] := 8468; ar[19] := 9054; ar[20] := 9499;
ar[21] := 9866; ar[22] := 10217; ar[23] := 10763;
ar[24] := 10683;
trend.Explained.Value := ar;
// Set automatic generation of explanatory series
trend.Explanatory.IsTrend := True;
// Set end point of identification period
trend.ModelPeriod.LastPoint := 20;
// Set end point of forecasting series
trend.ForecastLastPoint := 30;
// Determine seasonality type
trend.SeasonalComponent.Mode := SeasonalityType.additive;
// Determine seasonality period
trend.SeasonalComponent.Cycle := 4;
// Run calculation and output results
status := trend.Execute;
If status <> 0 Then
Forms := trend.DependenceForms;
Dep := Forms.Item(1);
d0 := Dep.CriterionValue;
Debug.WriteLine("Dependency form " + Dep.DisplayName);
Debug.WriteLine("Criterion value " + ": " + d0.ToString);
ForecastS := Dep.ForecastSeasonality;
Debug.WriteLine("=== Forecasting series with seasonality ===");
For i := trend.ModelPeriod.LastPoint To ForecastS.Value.Length - 1 Do
d0 := ForecastS.Value[i];
Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString + ": " + d0.ToString);
End For;
End If;
End Sub UserProc;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
trend: SmCurveEstimation;
d0: Double;
status, i: Integer;
ar: Array Of Double;
Forms: IDependenceForms;
Dep: IDependenceForm;
ForecastS: IForecast;
// Create object to find dependency form
trend := New SmCurveEstimation.Create();
// Set values of explanatory series
ar := New Double[25];
ar[00] := 4110; ar[01] := 4280; ar[02] := 4459;
ar[03] := 4545; ar[04] := 4664; ar[05] := 4861;
ar[06] := 5195; ar[07] := 5389; ar[08] := 5463;
ar[09] := 5610; ar[10] := 5948; ar[11] := 6218;
ar[12] := 6521; ar[13] := 6788; ar[14] := 7222;
ar[15] := 7486; ar[16] := 7832; ar[17] := 8153;
ar[18] := 8468; ar[19] := 9054; ar[20] := 9499;
ar[21] := 9866; ar[22] := 10217; ar[23] := 10763;
ar[24] := 10683;
trend.Explained.Value := ar;
// Set automatic generation of explanatory series
trend.Explanatory.IsTrend := True;
// Set end point of identification period
trend.ModelPeriod.LastPoint := 20;
// Set end point of forecasting series
trend.ForecastLastPoint := 30;
// Determine seasonality type
trend.SeasonalComponent.Mode := SeasonalityType.sstAdditive;
// Determine seasonality period
trend.SeasonalComponent.Cycle := 4;
// Run calculation and output results
status := trend.Execute();
If status <> 0 Then
Forms := trend.DependenceForms;
Dep := Forms.Item[1];
d0 := Dep.CriterionValue;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Dependency form " + Dep.DisplayName);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Criterion value " + ": " + d0.ToString());
ForecastS := Dep.ForecastSeasonality;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("=== Forecasting series with seasonality ===");
For i := trend.ModelPeriod.LastPoint To ForecastS.Value.Length - 1 Do
d0 := ForecastS.Value.GetValue(i) As double;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString() + ": " + d0.ToString());
End For;
End If;
End Sub;
After executing the example, the console window will display: dependency form, criterion value and forecasting series values with seasonality.
See also: