Serie: ISlSerie;
Serie: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat.ISlSerie;
The Serie property determines the explanatory data series.
The property is relevant if ICurveEstimationExplanatory.IsTrend = False.
To execute the example, add a link to the Stat system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
trend: SmCurveEstimation;
d0: Double;
status, i: Integer;
ar: Array[25] Of Double;
Factor: Array[30] Of Double;
trend := New SmCurveEstimation.Create;
ar[00] := 4110; ar[01] := 4280; ar[02] := 4459; ar[03] := 4545; ar[04] := 4664;
ar[05] := 4861; ar[06] := 5195; ar[07] := 5389; ar[08] := 5463; ar[09] := 5610;
ar[10] := 5948; ar[11] := 6218; ar[12] := 6521; ar[13] := 6788; ar[14] := 7222;
ar[15] := 7486; ar[16] := 7832; ar[17] := 8153; ar[18] := 8468; ar[19] := 9054;
ar[20] := 9499; ar[21] := 9866; ar[22] := 10217; ar[23] := 10763; ar[24] := 10683;
trend.Explained.Value := ar;
Factor := New Double[30];
For i := 0 To Factor.Length - 1 Do
Factor[i] := 12 * i * i + 3;
End For;
trend.Explanatory.IsTrend := False; // explanatory series is set by the user
trend.Explanatory.Serie.Value := Factor;
trend.ModelPeriod.LastPoint := 20;
trend.ForecastLastPoint := 30;
trend.SeasonalComponent.Mode := SeasonalityType.Additive;
trend.SeasonalComponent.Cycle := 4;
status := trend.Execute;
If status <> 0 Then
For i := 0 To 10 Do
d0 := trend.DependenceForms.Item(i).CriterionValue;
Debug.WriteLine(trend.DependenceForms.Item(i).Name + ": " + d0.ToString);
End For;
End If;
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the console window displays the following results:
Linear: 0.987988137462419
Quadratic: 0.99542916076208
Polynomial: 0.996962811420135
Compound: 0.956993803296965
Growth: 0.956993803296965
Logarithmic: 0.716101862160297
Hyperbolic: 0.195983710349197
Exponential: 0.999999998876106
Inverse: 0.167424873636996
Power: 0.999999994509856
Logistic: 0.157635693973965
The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
trend: SmCurveEstimation;
d0: Double;
status, i: Integer;
ar: Array[25] Of Double;
Factor: Array[30] Of Double;
trend := New SmCurveEstimation.Create();
ar[00] := 4110; ar[01] := 4280; ar[02] := 4459; ar[03] := 4545; ar[04] := 4664;
ar[05] := 4861; ar[06] := 5195; ar[07] := 5389; ar[08] := 5463; ar[09] := 5610;
ar[10] := 5948; ar[11] := 6218; ar[12] := 6521; ar[13] := 6788; ar[14] := 7222;
ar[15] := 7486; ar[16] := 7832; ar[17] := 8153; ar[18] := 8468; ar[19] := 9054;
ar[20] := 9499; ar[21] := 9866; ar[22] := 10217; ar[23] := 10763; ar[24] := 10683;
trend.Explained.Value := ar;
Factor := New Double[30];
For i := 0 To Factor.Length - 1 Do
Factor[i] := 12 * i * i + 3;
End For;
trend.Explanatory.IsTrend := False; // explanatory series is set by the user
trend.Explanatory.Serie.Value := Factor;
trend.ModelPeriod.LastPoint := 20;
trend.ForecastLastPoint := 30;
trend.SeasonalComponent.Mode := SeasonalityType.sstAdditive;
trend.SeasonalComponent.Cycle := 4;
status := trend.Execute();
If status <> 0 Then
For i := 0 To 10 Do
d0 := trend.DependenceForms.Item[i].CriterionValue;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(trend.DependenceForms.Item[i].Name + ": " + d0.ToString());
End For;
End If;
End Sub;
See also: