
Fore Syntax

SetArgValues(VariableNumber: Integer; Value: Double);

Fore.NET Syntax

SetArgValues(VariableNumber: integer; Value: double);


VariableNumber. The number of the variable, to which it is required to assign value.

NOTE. To determine the number of the variable, use the ISmNonLinearOptimization.CoefficientsOrder property.

Value. The value that must be assigned to the variable.


The SetArgValues method returns values of the variables, for which it is required to calculate value of criterion function and non-linear constraints.


To get the criterion function value, use the ICallbackNLOptimization.GetObjFunValue method.

Fore and Fore.NET Examples

The property use is given in the example for ICallbackNLOptimization.GetConstraintPartialDeriv.

See also:
