AutoRegressionOrder: Integer;
The AutoRegressionOrder property determines autoregression order.
Default property value is 1.
Sub Main;
ARIMA: SmArima;
can: Array Of Double;
res, i: Integer;
d0: Double;
ARIMA := New SmArima.Create;
can := New Double[5];
can[00] := 6209;
can[01] := 6385;
can[02] := 6752;
can[03] := 6837;
can[04] := 6495;
ARIMA.Serie.Value := can;
ARIMA.Forecast.LastPoint := 12;
ARIMA.ArimaSpecification.AutoRegressionOrder := 0;
ARIMA.ArimaSpecification.MovingAverageOrder := 1;
ARIMA.ModelCoefficients.Intercept.Mode := InterceptMode.AutoEstimate;
res := ARIMA.Execute;
Debug.WriteLine(res); // display execution status
Debug.WriteLine("=== Modeling series === "); // display data series in the console window
For i := 0 To ARIMA.ModelPeriod.LastPoint - 1 Do
d0 := ARIMA.Fitted[i];
Debug.WriteLine(i.ToString + ", " + d0.ToString);
End For;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example the console window displays the following result:
Module execution started
=== Modeling series ===
0, 6178.6666664911972
1, 6148.6666664872982
2, 6636.6666640814246
3, 6942.6666679027476
4, 6495
Module execution finished
See also: