Bcc: IStringList;
The Bcc property returns the collection of the email addresses, to which the blind copy of email message is sent. These addresses are not available for the main recipient and the copies recipients (CC).
Sub Main;
Msg: INetMapiMessage;
Client: INetMapiClient;
Client := New NetMapiClient.Create;
Msg := New NetMapiMessage.Create;
Msg.From_ := "ivanov@server.ru";
Msg.Subject := "Test message";
Msg.Body := "Message text";
Client.Message := Msg;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example the email is sent using the application installed in the operating system and used as a default mail client. The message is sent to the address petrov@mail.ru. The blind copy of the message is sent to the address user1@mail.ru.
See also: