

The MemoryStream class implements a temporary stream in PC memory.


A stream in PC memory can be used to transfer data between various application objects. It is used on working with binary data (BinaryReader, BinaryWriter)and with text data (TextReader, TextWriter).This stream can also be used to save or read settings of various repository objects on calling corresponding object methods.

Class object properties inherited from IMemoryStream

  Property name Brief description
The Capacity property determines capacity in bytes of memory assigned for a stream.

Class object properties inherited from IIOStream

  Property name Brief description
The Position property determines a position in a stream.
The Size property determines a stream size in bytes.

Class object methods inherited from IMemoryStream

  Method name Brief description
The Clear method clears a stream.
The Parse method places data into a stream.
The ToString method transforms stream contents into a character string.

Class object methods inherited from IIOStream

  Method name Brief description
The CopyFrom method copies data from the specified stream to the current stream.
The ReadByte method reads a data byte from a stream.
The Seek method sets a position in a stream taking into account offset parameters and stream positioning.
The WriteByte method writes a data byte into a stream.

See also:

IO Assembly Classes