Cancel: Boolean;
The Cancel property determines whether the next action related with mouse is canceled.
The property is used in the events related with a click or double-click (OnClick and OnDblClick), and does not affect the actions related with cursor move. The Cancel property can be used, for example, to cancel a click or double-click on a component, depending on specific form execution conditions or the current state of other components.
Available values:
True. The action will be canceled.
False. Default value. The action will be executed.
Executing the example requires a form with the MetabaseTreeList component named MetabaseTreeList1 and the MetabaseListView component named MetabaseListView1. MetabaseTreeList1 is set as a value of the Tree property of the MetabaseListView1 component.
The specified procedure is a handler of the OnDblClick event of the MetabaseListView1 component.
Sub MetabaseListView1OnDblClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
MDesc: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
MDesc := (MetabaseListView1.SelectedItem As IMetabaseListViewItem).ObjectDescriptor;
If (MDesc.ClassId=MetabaseObjectClass.KE_CLASS_MODULE) Or (MDesc.ClassId=MetabaseObjectClass.KE_CLASS_ASSEMBLY) Then
Args.Cancel := True;
End If;
End Sub MetabaseListView1OnDblClick;
On executing the example, if a unit or assembly is double-clicked during navigation in a component tree in the MetabaseListView1 component, their opening in the development environment is denied.
See also: