Working with Container Separator

Operating system requirements: iOS 5.0 or later.

Mobile device: iPad.


This example displays working with a container with two data views. After starting the example the following operations are executed:

Source Code

Executing the example requires to place the following code in the body of the executeExample method of the ViewController class (see the Displaying of Express Report section):

// Get express report controller
MAExpressAnalysisReportViewController *contr = (MAExpressAnalysisReportViewController *)m_controller;
// Create a container with separator
SplitViewController *splitController = [SplitViewController new];
// Load view
[splitController loadView];
// Get dimension panel container
PanelViewController *panelViewCtrl = [contr panelViewController];
// Get separator of two data views
MASeparatorView *separatorView = [panelViewCtrl separatorView];
// Set text for separator of two data views
[[separatorView titleLabel] setText: @"Prognoz"];
// Specify that dimension panel container is not displayed
[separatorView setPanelVisible: NO];
// Hide first controller view
[splitController setFirstViewVisible: [separatorView isPanelVisible]];
NSLog(@"Predefined separator width: %f", [separatorView preferredWidth]);
NSLog(@"Left separator border indent: %f", [separatorView leftBorder]);
NSLog(@"Right separator border indent: %f", [separatorView rightBorder]);
// Set dimension panel container as the first data view
[splitController setPanelViewController: panelViewCtrl];
// Create a table to be displayed as the second data view
UITableViewController *table = [UITableViewController new];
// Set the second data view
[[splitController splitView] setSecondView: [table view]];
// Display controller with separator
[self showViewControllerInNavigationController: splitController];

After executing the example the container divided into two data views - dimension container and table - is displayed. The first data view - dimension panel container - is collapsed. The text "Prognoz" is set for the separator of both data views:

The development environment console displays predefined separator width and its left and right border indents:

Predefined separator width: 84.000000

Separator left border indent: 0.000000

Separator right border indent: 39.000000

Then specify that the dimension panel container is visible, and display top and bottom arrows on the data view separator by adding the following code fragment to the example:

// Specify that dimension panel container is displayed
[separatorView setPanelVisible: YES];
// Display top arrow
[separatorView setUpArrowVisible: YES];
// Display bottom arrow
[separatorView setDownArrowVisible: YES];

After executing the example the data view separator text is hidden, the top and bottom arrows are displayed instead:

See also:

Example of Component Use