Operating system requirements: iOS 5.0 or later.
Mobile device: iPad.
This example describes some methods of working with regular report documents. Regular report consists of the sheets that are PDF documents, including tables, charts, maps. After starting the example the following operations are executed:
Regular report sheet viewer view is retrieved.
Number of regular report documents, current document index and specified document name are retrieved from sheet viewer.
Specified document opens.
Executing the example requires to place the following code in the body of the executeExample method of the ViewController class (see the Displaying of Regular Report section):
// Get regular report object MAProceduralReportViewController *proceduralReportController = (MAProceduralReportViewController *)m_controller; // Get array of regular report views NSArray *dataViewControllers = [proceduralReportController dataViewControllers]; // Parse regular report views in cycle for( UIViewController *controller in dataViewControllers) { // Check if the current view is a regular report sheet viewer if([controller isMemberOfClass:[MAProceduralReportDataViewController class]]) { // Get sheet viewer view MAProceduralReportDataViewController *dataViewController =(MAProceduralReportDataViewController *)controller; // Get number of regular report documents int documentsCount = [dataViewController documentsCount]; // Get current document index in regular report int currentDocumentIndex = [dataViewController currentDocumentIndex]; // Check if the next document exists if(currentDocumentIndex + 1 < documentsCount) { // Display next document name in the development environment consloe NSLog(@"Document name: %@",[dataViewController documentNameAtIndex:currentDocumentIndex + 1]); // Open document [dataViewController openDocumentAtIndex:currentDocumentIndex + 1]; } } }
After executing the example the mobile device screen displays a regular report. This report contains a document, which name is displayed in the development environment console:
Document name: Profile
See also: