Creating a Regular Report

Operating system requirements: iOS 5.0 or later.

Mobile device: iPad.


This example describes creating a regular report. After starting the example the following operations are executed:

Source Code

Executing the example requires to place the following code in the body of the executeExample method of the ViewController class (see the Displaying of Regular Report section):

-(void)executeExample {
    if (m_proceduralReportDescriptor->formatVersion() == 1) {
        // Create a report object
        SPPLProceduralReport proceduralReport = PPLProceduralReport::proceduralReport(m_proceduralReportDescriptor);
        MAProceduralReportViewController *proceduralReportController = (MAProceduralReportViewController *)[MAProceduralReportViewControllerFactory createReport:m_proceduralReport];
        // Get regular report delegate
        MAProceduralReportViewControllerDelegateImpl * proceduralReportDelegate1 = [proceduralReportController delegate];
        // Create a new regular report delegate
        MAProceduralReportViewControllerDelegateImpl *proceduralReportDelegate2 = [[MAProceduralReportViewControllerDelegateImpl alloc] initWithProceduralReport:proceduralReport];
        // Display comparison result for obtained and new delegates in the development environment console
        if([proceduralReportDelegate1 isEqual:proceduralReportDelegate2] == YES) NSLog(@"Delegate comparison: objects are equal");
        else NSLog(@"Delegate comparison: objects are not equal");
        NInteger worksheetsCount = 0;
        if(proceduralReportDelegate2.proceduralReport->worksheets()->items() != NULL) {
            worksheetsCount = [proceduralReportDelegate2 proceduralReport]->worksheets()->items()->count();
        NSLog(@"Number of regular report sheets: %d", worksheetsCount);
        // Set new regular report delegate
        [proceduralReportController setDelegate:proceduralReportDelegate2];
        // Display regular report
        [self showViewControllerInNavigationController: proceduralReportController];
        // Get array of regular report views
        NSArray *dataViewControllers = [proceduralReportController dataViewControllers];
        // Parse regular report views in cycle
        for(UIViewController *controller in dataViewControllers)
            // Check if the current view is a regular report viewer
            if([controller isMemberOfClass:[MAProceduralReportDataViewController class]]) {
                // Display information on sheet viewer view
                [self printMAProceduralReportDataViewControllerInfo:
                (MAProceduralReportDataViewController *)controller];
    if (m_proceduralReportDescriptor->formatVersion() == 2) {
        // Create a report object
        SPPLProceduralReport2 proceduralReport = PPLProceduralReport2::proceduralReport(m_proceduralReportDescriptor);
        MAProceduralReport2ViewController *proceduralReportController = (MAProceduralReport2ViewController *)[MAProceduralReportViewControllerFactory createReport:m_proceduralReport];
        // Get regular report delegate
        MAProceduralReport2ViewControllerDelegateImpl * proceduralReportDelegate1 = [proceduralReportController delegate];
        // Create a new regular report delegate
        MAProceduralReport2ViewControllerDelegateImpl *proceduralReportDelegate2 = [[MAProceduralReport2ViewControllerDelegateImpl alloc] initWithProceduralReport:proceduralReport];
        // Display comparison result for obtained and new delegates in the development environment console
        if([proceduralReportDelegate1 isEqual:proceduralReportDelegate2] == YES) NSLog(@"Delegate comparison: objects are equal");
        else NSLog(@"Delegate comparison: objects are not equal");
        NInteger worksheetsCount = 0;
        if(proceduralReportDelegate2.proceduralReport->worksheets()->items() != NULL) {
            worksheetsCount = [proceduralReportDelegate2 proceduralReport]->worksheets()->items()->count();
        NSLog(@"Number of regular report sheets: %d", worksheetsCount);
        // Set new regular report delegate
        [proceduralReportController setDelegate:proceduralReportDelegate2];
        // Dsiplay regular report
        [self showViewControllerInNavigationController: proceduralReportController];
        // Get array of regular report views
        NSArray *dataViewControllers = [proceduralReportController dataViewControllers];        // Parse regular report views in cycle
        for(UIViewController *controller in dataViewControllers) {
            // Check if the current view is a regular report sheet viewer
            if([controller isMemberOfClass:[MAProceduralReportExtDataViewController class]]) {
                // Display information on sheet viewer
                [self printMAProceduralReportDataViewControllerInfo:
                (MAProceduralReportDataViewController *)controller];

-(void)printMAProceduralReportDataViewControllerInfo: (MAProceduralReportDataViewController *) dataViewController {
    // Get regular report viewer view
    MAProceduralReportDataViewControllerBase *reportDataViewControllerBase = (MAProceduralReportDataViewControllerBase *)dataViewController;
    // Get report parent controller
    MADataReportViewController *dataReportViewController =[reportDataViewControllerBase reportController];
    // Display whether report title is displayed in the development environment console
    NSLog(@"Whether report title is displayed: %@",[dataReportViewController showTitle]? @"displayed":@"not displayed");
    // Display regular report viewer mode in the development environment console
    NSString *mode = @"";
    switch([reportDataViewControllerBase mode])
        case kReadMode:mode = @"read mode"; break;
        case kNoteMode:mode = @"note mode"; break;
        case kSearchMode:mode = @"search mode"; break;
        default: mode = @"not specified"; break;
    NSLog(@"Regular report viewer mode: %@", mode);

 After executing the example the mobile device screen displays the created regular report:

The development environment console also displays comparison result for the obtained and created regular report delegates; the number of regular report sheets; whether the report title obtained from parent report controller is displayed; regular report viewer value:

Delegate comparison: objects are not equal

Number of regular report sheets: 4

Whether report title is displayed: not displayed

Regular report viewer mode: read mode

See also:

Examples of Component Use