Operating system requirements: iOS 5.0 or later.
Mobile device: iPad.
This example displays creating a report action controller.
Executing the example requires to place the following code in the body of the executeExample method of the ViewController class (see the Displaying of Express Report section):
// Get express report data view controller MAExpressAnalysisReportViewController *reportViewContr = (MAExpressAnalysisReportViewController *)m_controller; // Create a report controller action MADataReportActionViewController *actionViewContr = [[[MADataReportActionViewController alloc] initWithDelegate:reportViewContr] autorelease]; // Display controller view in popup window [reportViewContr showInPopover:actionViewContr fromView:[self view] inRect:CGRectMake(50, 50, 300, 250) permittedArrowDirections:NULL];
After executing the example a popup window containing the report action controller:
Specify explicitly on creating this controller that the report is read-only. To do this, replace the code string:
MADataReportActionViewController *actionViewContr = [[[MADataReportActionViewController alloc] initWithDelegate:reportViewContr] autorelease];
with the following string:
MADataReportActionViewController *actionViewContr = [[[MADataReportActionViewController alloc] initWithDelegate:reportViewContr readOnly: YES] autorelease];
After executing the example the Save Report menu item is hidden:
See also: