Working with Data Series Setup Controller

Operating system requirements: iOS 5.0 or later.

Mobile device: iPad.


This example describes some methods of working with data series setup controller. After starting the example the following operations are executed:

Source Code

Executing the example requires to place the following code in the body of the executeExample method of the ViewController class (see the Displaying of Express Report section):

// Get array of data view controllers
NSArray *controllers =[m_controller dataViewControllers];
// Select chart as the current view
[m_controller setDataViewControllerWithIndex: 1];
// Parse data view controllers in cycle
for(NSObject *controller in controllers)
    // Check if the current controller is controller of chart data view
    if([controller isMemberOfClass:[MAChartDataViewController class]])
        // Get data view controller object as a chart
        MAChartDataViewController *chartController = (MAChartDataViewController *)controller;
        // Get controller view
        UIView *view = [chartController view];
        // Check if the current view is data view as a chart
        if([view isMemberOfClass:[Chart class]])
            // Get chart data source
            ChartDataViewDatasource *datasource = [[chartController dataSource] datasource];
            // Get the key corresponding to a data series with the 1 index
            NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [[datasource seriesKeys] objectAtIndex: 1] ];
            // Get data view as a chart
            Chart *chart = (Chart *)view;
            // Create a trend line
            TrendLine *line = [[TrendLine alloc] init];
            // Add trend line into data view as a chart
            [chart addTrendLine:line];
            // Set trend line data source
            line.dataSource = [chartController dataSource];
            // Set data series key, based on which trend line is built
            [line setDataIndex:key];
            // Set trend line color
            line.color = [UIColor blueColor];
            // Set trend line thickness
            line.thickness = 2;
            // Determine whether trend line name is formed automatically
            line.autoName = YES;
            // Refresh trend line data
            [line updateData];
            // Create a data series setup controller with the 1 index by means of data view controller as a chart
            ChartRowViewController *row = [[ChartRowViewController alloc] initWithDelegate:chartController index:1];
            // Set trend line value for data series setup controller
            [row setTrendLine:line];
            // Set the view, in which trend line is displayed
            [[row trendLine] setChartView:chart];

After executing the example the express report is displayed containing the chart displaying the trend line for the specified data series:

Then it is required to place in the body of the executeExample method before the strings:

// Set the view, which displays trend line
[[row trendLine] setChartView:chart];

the following code:

// Set new value of trend line color
[[row trendLine] setColor: [UIColor redColor]];

After executing the updated example trend line color for the specified chart data series is changed:

See also:

Examples of Component Use