Getting Dashboard Block Parameters

Operating system requirements: iOS 5.0 or later.

Mobile device: iPad.


This example shows loading of dashboard block view. The development environment console displays the following block data:

Source Code

Executing the example requires to place the following code instead of the executeExample method of the ViewController class (see the Displaying of Dashboard section):

// Get dashboard controller
MADashboardReportViewController *controller = (MADashboardReportViewController*)m_controller;
if ([[[controller report] compositeBlocks] count] > 0) {
    // Get dashboard block
    APCompositeBlock *block = [[[controller report] compositeBlocks] allValues][0];
    // Load view if it is not loaded
    if([block view] != nil){
        [block loadView];
        // Inform the block that subviews are loaded
        if([block isViewLoaded])
        [block viewDidLayoutSubviews];
    // Display information about dashboard block anchors
    NSLog(@"Whether block is anchored to window top border: %hhd", [block anchorTop]);
    NSLog(@"Whether block is anchored to window bottom border: %hhd", [block anchorBottom]);
    NSLog(@"Whether block is anchored to window left border: %hhd", [block anchorLeft]);
    NSLog(@"Whether block is anchored to window right border: %hhd", [block anchorRight]);
    // Display information about dashboard block paddings
    if([block usePaddings]){
        NSLog(@"Block top padding values: %f", [block paddingTop]);
        NSLog(@"Block bottom padding values: %f", [block paddingBottom]);
        NSLog(@"Block left padding values: %f", [block paddingLeft]);
        NSLog(@"Block right padding values: %f", [block paddingRight]);
    // Display information about dashboard block shadow
    if([block useShadow]){
        const CGFloat *c = CGColorGetComponents([block shadowColor].CGColor);
        NSLog(@"Block shadow color components: R:%f G:%f B:%f A:%f", c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
        NSLog(@"Block shadow transparency value: %f", [block shadowOpacity]);
        NSLog(@"Block shadow width values: %f", [block shadowWidth]);
    // Display information about dashboard block background
    if([block useBackground]){
        const CGFloat *c = CGColorGetComponents([block backgroundColor].CGColor);
        NSLog(@"Block background color components: R:%f G:%f B:%f A:%f", c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
    // Display information about dashboard block borders
    if([block useBorder]){
        const CGFloat *c = CGColorGetComponents([block borderColor].CGColor);
        NSLog(@"Block border color components: R:%f G:%f B:%f A:%f", c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
        NSLog(@"Dashboard block border width: %f", [block borderWidth]);
    // Display information about rounding of dashboard block border corners
    if([block useBorderRadius]){
        NSLog(@"Rounding radius of border corners: %f", [block cornerRadius]);
    // Display information about dashboard block gradient
    if([block useGradient]){
        const CGFloat *c = CGColorGetComponents([block gradientColor].CGColor);
        NSLog(@"Gradient color components: R:%f G:%f B:%f A:%f", c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
        NSLog(@"Gradient angle: %f", [block gradientAngle]);
    // Display dashboard block size
    if([block hasWidth])
    NSLog(@"Dashboard block width: %f", [block width]);
    if([block hasHeight])
    NSLog(@"Dashboard block height: %f", [block height]);
    // Get array of dashboard block attributes
    NSDictionary *attributes = [block attributes];
    // Display dashboard block name
    NSLog(@"Dashboard block name: %@", [attributes valueForKey:@"name"]);
    // Display description, type and key of dashboard block
    if([block tag] != nil)
    NSLog(@"Dashboard block description: %@", [block tag]);
    if([block type] != nil)
    NSLog(@"Dashboard block type: %@", [block type]);
    if([block key] != nil)
    NSLog(@"Dashboard block key: %@", [block key]);
    // Display number of dashboard blocks
    NSLog(@"Number of dashboard blocks: %d", [[[block kap] compositeBlocks] count]);
    // Create a copy of dashboard block
    APXMLParserObject *data = [block data];
    APCompositeBlock *copy = [[APCompositeBlock new] autorelease];
    [copy initWithParserObject:data kap:[block kap]];
    // Create and set properties dictionary
    NSArray *valArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"string", [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], [NSNumber numberWithDouble:42.42],
    [NSNumber numberWithInt:42], nil];
    NSArray *keyArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"stringKey", @"boolKey", @"doubleKey", @"intKey", nil];
    NSMutableDictionary *props = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:valArray forKeys:keyArray];
    [copy setValue:props forKey:@"m_properties"];
    // Display dashboard block element name
    APXMLParserObject *obj = [copy propForKey:[[[copy objects][0] attributes] allValues][0]];
    NSLog(@"Dashboard block element name: %@", [obj elementName]);
    // Display values of properties of specified types
    if([[copy properties] count] != 0){
        if([copy hasPropForKey:@"stringKey"])
        NSLog(@"String-type property value: %@", [copy stringPropForKey:@"stringKey"]);
        NSLog(@"Logical-type property value: %hhd", [copy boolPropForKey:@"boolKey"]);
        NSLog(@"Real-type property value: %f", [copy doublePropForKey:@"doubleKey"]);
        NSLog(@"Integer-type property value: %i", [copy intPropForKey:@"intKey"]);
    } else {
    NSLog(@"No dashboard blocks");

As a result, the development environment console displays information about dashboard block:

Whether block is anchored to window top border: 1

Whether block is anchored to window bottom border: 1

Whether block is anchored to window left border: 1

Whether block is anchored to window right border: 1

Block background color components: R:1.000000 G:1.000000 B:1.000000 A:1.000000

Block border color components: R:0.788235 G:0.788235 B:0.788235 A:1.000000

Dashboard block border width: 1.000000

Dashboard block width: 348.923077

Dashboard block height: 190.666667

Dashboard block name: Table

Dashboard block type: Table

Dashboard block key: 7HBEWOKE7UKGM6VB

Number of dashboard blocks: 1

Dashboard block element name: prop

String-type property value: string

Logical-type property value: 1

real-type property value: 42.420000

Integer-type property value: 42

See also:

Example of Component Use