Operating system requirements: iOS 5.0 or later.
Mobile device: iPad.
This example describes displaying of a dashboard composite block in full-screen mode.
Executing the example requires that the dashboard (see the Displaying of Dashboard section) contains more than one composite block. Then it is required to replace the body of the dataViewControllerDidFinishCalculations: method in the file of the MADashboardReportViewController.mm static example with the following code:
// Get dashboard controller MADashboardReportViewController* dashboard = (MADashboardReportViewController *)m_controller; // Get dashboard APKap *kap = [dashboard report]; // Get view controller key NSString *key = [[[kap dataViews] allKeys] lastObject]; /* Compare obtained key with the dashboard block key located in full-screen mode */ if (kap.fullScreenBlockKey _[kap.fullScreenBlockKey isEqual:key]) { //Hide loading indicator [dashboard hideActivityIndicator] } else { // Get dashboard composite block APCompositeBlock *block = [kap.compositeBlocks objectForKey:key]; // Hide composite block loading indicator [block dataViewControllerDidFinishCalculations]; } // Get composite block array NSMutableDictionary *blocks = [kap compositeBlocks]; // Get composite block key NSString *blockKey = [[blocks allKeys] objectAtIndex: ([blocks count] - 1)]; // Get composite block by specified key APCompositeBlock *block = [blocks valueForKey: blockKey]; // Show composite block in full-screen mode [block showFullscreen]; [[block kap] showFullscreenCompositeBlockWithKey: blockKey];
After executing the example the selected composite block is displayed on the mobile device screen in full-screen mode:
See also: