Expanders for Text Direction from Right to Left

Operating system requirements: iOS 5.0 or later.

Mobile device: iPad.


This example displays and removes the collapsed expander for text direction from right to left. After starting the example the following operations are executed:

Source Code

Executing the example requires to place the following code in the body of the executeExample method of the ViewController class (see the Creating a Table with Expanders section):

// Get row header style
NuGridCellStyle *style = [proxyDatasource gridView:(NuGridView *)[contr view] getStyleForHeaderForRow:-1];
// Set text direction from right to left
[[contr gridView] setIsRightToLeft:YES];

After executing the example the text direction from right to left is set, after that the corresponding collapsed expanders are displayed:

Then remove the collapsed expanders by adding the following code string:

[style removeCollapsedRTLImage];

After executing the example all collapsed expanders for text direction from right to left are removed:

See also:

Examples of Component Use