
pplib++ Library

Use the following enumerations to work with the pplib++ library:

Identifier Brief description
PPLDimension::Type The PPLDimension::Type enumeration is used to determine dimension types.
PPLMetabaseRepositoryObjectDescriptor::Type The PPLMetabaseRepositoryObjectDescriptor::Type enumeration is used to determine types of repository objects.
PPLPivotTableCalculatorType::Type The PPLPivotTableCalculatorType::Type enumeration is used to determine type of data table calculated series.
PPLPivotTableFilterElements::Elements The PPLPivotTableFilterElements::Elements enumeration is used to determine the elements, by which filtering is executed.
PPLPivotTableFilterType::Type The  PPLPivotTableFilterType::Type enumeration is used to determine filter type.
PPLPivotTableSortDirection::Direction The PPLPivotTableSortDirection::Direction enumeration is used to determine sorting direction.
PPLPivotTableTotalsTypes::Type The PPLPivotTableTotalsTypes enumeration is used to determine aggregate function used for totals calculation.

See also:

Working with pplib++ Library