Working with pplib++ Library Classes

The pplib++ library contains classes enumerated in the table below.

Identifier Brief description
PPLCalendarDimension The PPLCalendarDimension class is used to work with calendar dimensions.
PPLCalendarDimensionDataLevel The PPLCalendarDimensionDataLevel class is used to work with description of calendar dimension data level.
PPLCalendarDimensionDataLevels The PPLCalendarDimensionDataLevels class is used to work with container of calendar dimension data levels.
PPLCalendarPeriodDimension The PPLCalendarPeriodDimension class is used to work with description of periodical calendar dimension.
PPLCubeDataSource The PPLCubeDataSource class is used to work with cube data source.

The PPLCubeDataTableInfo class is used to work with description of cube data table.

PPLCubeFactsTableInfo The PPLCubeFactsTableInfo class is used to work with description of cube fact table.
PPLCubeTableField The PPLCubeTableField class is used to work with cube table field description.
PPLDashboardDataSourceDimensionObject The PPLDashboardDataSourceDimensionObject class is used to work with dashboard data source dimension.
PPLDashboardDataSourceDimensionObjects The PPLDashboardDataSourceDimensionObjects class is used to work with container for data source dimensions.
PPLDashboardDataSourceObject The PPLDashboardDataSourceObject class is used to work with data view of the dashboard data source object.
PPLDashboardDataSourceObjects The PPLDashboardDataSourceObjects class is used to work with container for dashboard data source objects.
PPLDashboardReport The PPLDashboardReport class is used to work with dashboard report.
PPLDashboardSynchronizationDimension The PPLDashboardSynchronizationDimension class is used to work with synchronization dimension.
PPLDashboardSynchronizationDimensions The PPLDashboardSynchronizationDimensions class is used to work with container for synchronization dimensions.
PPLDashboardSynchronizationIndex The PPLDashboardSynchronizationIndex class is used to work with synchronization index.
PPLDashboardSynchronizationIndexes The PPLDashboardSynchronizationIndexes class is used to work with synchronization indexes.
PPLDataSource The PPLCubeDataSource class is used to work with data source.
PPLDimension The PPLDimension class is used to work with data source dimension.
PPLDimensionAttribute The PPLDimensionAttribute class is used to work with dimension attribute.
PPLDimensionAttributes The PPLDimensionAttributes class is used to work with container for dimension attributes.
PPLDimensionElement The PPLDimensionElement class is used to work with dimension element.
PPLDimensionElements The PPLDimensionElements class is used to work with container for dimension elements.
PPLDimensionField The PPLDimensionField class is used to work with dimension field.
PPLDimensionFields The PPLDimensionFields class is used to work with container for dimension fields.
PPLDimensionSelection The PPLDimensionSelection class is used to work with dimension element selection.
PPLDimensionSelectionSet The PPLDimensionSelectionSet class is used to work with container of dimension element selections.
PPLDimensionTableInfo The PPLDimensionTableInfo class is used to work with dimension table description.
PPLMetabase The PPLMetabase class is used to work with repository.
PPLMetabaseObject The PPLMetabaseObject class is used to work with repository object.
PPLMetabasePool The PPLMetabasePool class is used to work with repository pool.
PPLMetabaseRepositoryDescriptor The PPLMetabaseRepositoryDescriptor class is used to work with repository.
PPLMetabaseRepositoryFavoriteDescriptor The PPLMetabaseRepositoryFavoriteDescriptor class is used to work with favorite object description.
PPLMetabaseRepositoryObjectDescriptor The PPLMetabaseRepositoryObjectDescriptor class is used to work with repository object description.
PPLMetabaseRepositoryWarehouse The PPLMetabaseRepositoryWarehouse class is used to work with repository warehouse.
PPLMetabaseRepositoryWarehousePool The PPLMetabaseRepositoryWarehousePool class is used to work with repository warehouse pool.
PPLOlapReport The PPLOlapReport class is used to work with express report.
PPLPivot The PPLPivot class is used to work with the object used to build data tables.
PPLPivotHeader The PPLPivotHeader class is used to work with the object header used to build data tables.
PPLPivotTable The PPLPivotTable class is used to work with the object table used to build data tables.
PPLPivotTableCalculatedHeaderElement The PPLPivotTableCalculatedHeaderElement class is used to work with calculated element of table header.
PPLPivotTableCalculatorMutableSetting The PPLPivotTableCalculatorMutableSetting class is used to determine settings of the calculated element of table header.
PPLPivotTableCalculatorSetting The PPLPivotTableCalculatorSetting class is used to work with settings of calculated series of data table..
PPLPivotTableCalculatorSettings The PPLPivotTableCalculatorSettings class is used to work with container of settings of calculated series of data table..
PPLPivotTableConditionFilter The PPLPivotTableConditionFilter class is used to work with private conditional filter.
PPLPivotTableConditionFilterFactory The PPLPivotTableConditionFilterFactory class is used to create conditional filter settings.
PPLPivotTableConditionFilterSettings The PPLPivotTableConditionFilterSettings class is used to work with conditional filter settings.
PPLPivotTableFilterSettings The PPLPivotTableFilterSettings class is used to work with grid data filtering settings.
PPLPivotTableGlobalConditionFilter The PPLPivotTableGlobalConditionFilter class is used to work with global conditional filter.
PPLPivotTableGlobalFilterSettings The PPLPivotTableGlobalFilterSettings class is used to work with grid global data filter settings.
PPLPivotTableHeader The PPLPivotTableHeader class is used to work with table header of the object used to build data tables.
PPLPivotTableHeaderElement The PPLPivotTableHeaderElement class is used to work with element of table header of the object used to build data tables.
PPLPivotTableHeaderElements The PPLPivotTableHeaderElements class is used to work with elements of table header of the object used to build data tables.
PPLPivotTableSorterSettings The PPLPivotTableSorterSettings class is used to work with settings of data sorting in the grid of the object used to build data tables.
PPLPivotTableTotalsHeaderElement The PPLPivotTableTotalsHeaderElement class is used to work with total element of table header.
PPLPivotTableTotalsSettings The PPLPivotTableTotalsSettings class is used to work with settings of data table totals.
PPLPivotTableTotalsTypes The PPLPivotTableTotalsTypes class is used to work with totals types.
PPLProceduralReport The PPLProceduralReport class is used to work with regular report.
PPLProceduralReportWorksheet The PPLProceduralReportWorksheet class is used to interact with a regular report worksheet.
PPLProceduralReportWorksheets The PPLProceduralReportWorksheets class is used to work with container of regular report worksheets.
PPLReport The PPLReport class is used to work with report.
PPLReportResource The PPLReportResource class is used to work with report resource.
PPLReportResources The PPLReportResources class is used to work with report resource container.
PPLRubricatorDataSource The PPLRubricatorDataSource class is used to work with data source of time series database.
PPLRubricatorDataTableInfo The PPLRubricatorDataTableInfo class is used to work with data table description for time series database.
PPLRubricatorFactsTableInfo The PPLRubricatorFactsTableInfo class is used to work with fact table description of time series database.
PPLRubricatorTableField The PPLRubricatorTableField class is used to work with table field description of time series database.
PPLStandardDimension The PPLStandardDimension class is used to work with standard dimension.

See also:

Working with pplib++ Library