The pplib++ library contains classes enumerated in the table below.
Identifier | Brief description |
PPLCalendarDimension | The PPLCalendarDimension class is used to work with calendar dimensions. |
PPLCalendarDimensionDataLevel | The PPLCalendarDimensionDataLevel class is used to work with description of calendar dimension data level. |
PPLCalendarDimensionDataLevels | The PPLCalendarDimensionDataLevels class is used to work with container of calendar dimension data levels. |
PPLCalendarPeriodDimension | The PPLCalendarPeriodDimension class is used to work with description of periodical calendar dimension. |
PPLCubeDataSource | The PPLCubeDataSource class is used to work with cube data source. |
PPLCubeDataTableInfo | The PPLCubeDataTableInfo class is used to work with description of cube data table. |
PPLCubeFactsTableInfo | The PPLCubeFactsTableInfo class is used to work with description of cube fact table. |
PPLCubeTableField | The PPLCubeTableField class is used to work with cube table field description. |
PPLDashboardDataSourceDimensionObject | The PPLDashboardDataSourceDimensionObject class is used to work with dashboard data source dimension. |
PPLDashboardDataSourceDimensionObjects | The PPLDashboardDataSourceDimensionObjects class is used to work with container for data source dimensions. |
PPLDashboardDataSourceObject | The PPLDashboardDataSourceObject class is used to work with data view of the dashboard data source object. |
PPLDashboardDataSourceObjects | The PPLDashboardDataSourceObjects class is used to work with container for dashboard data source objects. |
PPLDashboardReport | The PPLDashboardReport class is used to work with dashboard report. |
PPLDashboardSynchronizationDimension | The PPLDashboardSynchronizationDimension class is used to work with synchronization dimension. |
PPLDashboardSynchronizationDimensions | The PPLDashboardSynchronizationDimensions class is used to work with container for synchronization dimensions. |
PPLDashboardSynchronizationIndex | The PPLDashboardSynchronizationIndex class is used to work with synchronization index. |
PPLDashboardSynchronizationIndexes | The PPLDashboardSynchronizationIndexes class is used to work with synchronization indexes. |
PPLDataSource | The PPLCubeDataSource class is used to work with data source. |
PPLDimension | The PPLDimension class is used to work with data source dimension. |
PPLDimensionAttribute | The PPLDimensionAttribute class is used to work with dimension attribute. |
PPLDimensionAttributes | The PPLDimensionAttributes class is used to work with container for dimension attributes. |
PPLDimensionElement | The PPLDimensionElement class is used to work with dimension element. |
PPLDimensionElements | The PPLDimensionElements class is used to work with container for dimension elements. |
PPLDimensionField | The PPLDimensionField class is used to work with dimension field. |
PPLDimensionFields | The PPLDimensionFields class is used to work with container for dimension fields. |
PPLDimensionSelection | The PPLDimensionSelection class is used to work with dimension element selection. |
PPLDimensionSelectionSet | The PPLDimensionSelectionSet class is used to work with container of dimension element selections. |
PPLDimensionTableInfo | The PPLDimensionTableInfo class is used to work with dimension table description. |
PPLMetabase | The PPLMetabase class is used to work with repository. |
PPLMetabaseObject | The PPLMetabaseObject class is used to work with repository object. |
PPLMetabasePool | The PPLMetabasePool class is used to work with repository pool. |
PPLMetabaseRepositoryDescriptor | The PPLMetabaseRepositoryDescriptor class is used to work with repository. |
PPLMetabaseRepositoryFavoriteDescriptor | The PPLMetabaseRepositoryFavoriteDescriptor class is used to work with favorite object description. |
PPLMetabaseRepositoryObjectDescriptor | The PPLMetabaseRepositoryObjectDescriptor class is used to work with repository object description. |
PPLMetabaseRepositoryWarehouse | The PPLMetabaseRepositoryWarehouse class is used to work with repository warehouse. |
PPLMetabaseRepositoryWarehousePool | The PPLMetabaseRepositoryWarehousePool class is used to work with repository warehouse pool. |
PPLOlapReport | The PPLOlapReport class is used to work with express report. |
PPLPivot | The PPLPivot class is used to work with the object used to build data tables. |
PPLPivotHeader | The PPLPivotHeader class is used to work with the object header used to build data tables. |
PPLPivotTable | The PPLPivotTable class is used to work with the object table used to build data tables. |
PPLPivotTableCalculatedHeaderElement | The PPLPivotTableCalculatedHeaderElement class is used to work with calculated element of table header. |
PPLPivotTableCalculatorMutableSetting | The PPLPivotTableCalculatorMutableSetting class is used to determine settings of the calculated element of table header. |
PPLPivotTableCalculatorSetting | The PPLPivotTableCalculatorSetting class is used to work with settings of calculated series of data table.. |
PPLPivotTableCalculatorSettings | The PPLPivotTableCalculatorSettings class is used to work with container of settings of calculated series of data table.. |
PPLPivotTableConditionFilter | The PPLPivotTableConditionFilter class is used to work with private conditional filter. |
PPLPivotTableConditionFilterFactory | The PPLPivotTableConditionFilterFactory class is used to create conditional filter settings. |
PPLPivotTableConditionFilterSettings | The PPLPivotTableConditionFilterSettings class is used to work with conditional filter settings. |
PPLPivotTableFilterSettings | The PPLPivotTableFilterSettings class is used to work with grid data filtering settings. |
PPLPivotTableGlobalConditionFilter | The PPLPivotTableGlobalConditionFilter class is used to work with global conditional filter. |
PPLPivotTableGlobalFilterSettings | The PPLPivotTableGlobalFilterSettings class is used to work with grid global data filter settings. |
PPLPivotTableHeader | The PPLPivotTableHeader class is used to work with table header of the object used to build data tables. |
PPLPivotTableHeaderElement | The PPLPivotTableHeaderElement class is used to work with element of table header of the object used to build data tables. |
PPLPivotTableHeaderElements | The PPLPivotTableHeaderElements class is used to work with elements of table header of the object used to build data tables. |
PPLPivotTableSorterSettings | The PPLPivotTableSorterSettings class is used to work with settings of data sorting in the grid of the object used to build data tables. |
PPLPivotTableTotalsHeaderElement | The PPLPivotTableTotalsHeaderElement class is used to work with total element of table header. |
PPLPivotTableTotalsSettings | The PPLPivotTableTotalsSettings class is used to work with settings of data table totals. |
PPLPivotTableTotalsTypes | The PPLPivotTableTotalsTypes class is used to work with totals types. |
PPLProceduralReport | The PPLProceduralReport class is used to work with regular report. |
PPLProceduralReportWorksheet | The PPLProceduralReportWorksheet class is used to interact with a regular report worksheet. |
PPLProceduralReportWorksheets | The PPLProceduralReportWorksheets class is used to work with container of regular report worksheets. |
PPLReport | The PPLReport class is used to work with report. |
PPLReportResource | The PPLReportResource class is used to work with report resource. |
PPLReportResources | The PPLReportResources class is used to work with report resource container. |
PPLRubricatorDataSource | The PPLRubricatorDataSource class is used to work with data source of time series database. |
PPLRubricatorDataTableInfo | The PPLRubricatorDataTableInfo class is used to work with data table description for time series database. |
PPLRubricatorFactsTableInfo | The PPLRubricatorFactsTableInfo class is used to work with fact table description of time series database. |
PPLRubricatorTableField | The PPLRubricatorTableField class is used to work with table field description of time series database. |
PPLStandardDimension | The PPLStandardDimension class is used to work with standard dimension. |
See also: