LogonHoursPolicy: ILogonHoursPolicy;
The LogonHoursPolicy property returns settings of the security subject access to the Prognoz Platform by times.
Executing the example requires the user registered in the platform with the User_1 identifier.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
MS: IMetabaseSecurity;
MP: IMetabasePolicy;
User: ISecuritySubject;
LogonHP: ILogonHoursPolicy;
LH: ILogonHours;
LHP: ILogonHoursPeriods;
d1, d2, d3, d4: DateTime;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
MS := MB.Security;
MP := MS.Policy;
User := MS.ResolveName("User_1");
LogonHP := MP.LogonHoursPolicy(User);
LHP := LogonHP.Periods;
LH := LHP.CreateHours;
d1 := DateTime.ComposeTimeOfDay(0, 0, 0, 0);
d2 := DateTime.ComposeTimeOfDay(9, 0, 0, 0);
d3 := DateTime.ComposeTimeOfDay(18, 0, 0, 0);
d4 := DateTime.ComposeTimeOfDay(23, 59, 0, 0);
LH.SetPeriodAccess(d1, d2, False);
LH.SetPeriodAccess(d2, d3, True);
LH.SetPeriodAccess(d3, d4, False);
d1 := DateTime.Now;
d2 := DateTime.AddDays(d1, 30);
LHP.SetPeriodAccess(d1, d2, LH);
End Sub Main;
After executing this example access parameters are changed in a certain period of time for the User_1 user. Since this day and during the next 30 days access under this user has been possible from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
See also: