Assembly: IAssembly;
The Assembly property returns parameters of the temporary assembly that corresponds to the given object.
This property returns parameters of assembly within that compiling separate modules/forms of repository is performed. If module/form is included in any repository assembly it is necessary to use the ParentAssembly property to get parameters of this assembly.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains an assembly with the Assembly_1 identifier.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
Assembly: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
CrInfo: IMetabaseObjectCreateInfo;
Modul: IModule;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
Assembly := MB.ItemById("Assembly_1");
CrInfo := MB.CreateCreateInfo;
CrInfo.ClassId := MetabaseObjectClass.KE_CLASS_MODULE;
CrInfo.Id := "NewModule";
CrInfo.Name := "New module";
CrInfo.Parent := Assembly;
Modul := MB.CreateObject(CrInfo).Edit As IModule;
Modul.Text :=
"Sub Main;" + #13 + #10 +
"Begin" + #13 + #10 +
"End Sub Main;";
If Modul.Modified Then
(Modul As IMetabaseObject).Save;
End If;
End Sub Main;
After executing this example a new module is created within the Assembly_1 assembly. A template for the Main procedure is contained in the text of a module.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
CrInfo: IMetabaseObjectCreateInfo;
Modul: IModule;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
CrInfo := MB.CreateCreateInfo;
CrInfo.ClassId := MetabaseObjectClass.KE_CLASS_MODULE;
CrInfo.Id := "NewModule";
CrInfo.Name := "New module";
CrInfo.Parent := MB.Root;
Modul := MB.CreateObject(CrInfo).Edit As IModule;
Modul.Assembly.References := "Metabase;Db";
Modul.Text :=
"Sub Main;" + #13 + #10 +
"Begin" + #13 + #10 +
"End Sub Main;";
If Modul.Modified Then
(Modul As IMetabaseObject).Save;
End If;
End Sub Main;
A new module is created in the repository root after executing this example. This module implements temporary assembly. The Metabase and Db system assemblies are connected to it. A template for the Main procedure is contained in the text of a module.
See also: