
Fore Syntax

Callback: IMetabaseUsersUpdateCallback;

Fore.NET Syntax

Callback: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Metabase.IMetabaseUsersUpdateCallback;


The Callback property determines the object, performing the handling of errors that may occur on updating users.


As the value of the property it is necessary to specify the instance of the custom class, realizing properties and methods of the IMetabaseUsersUpdateCallback interfaces.

Fore Example

Sub UserProc;
    MB: IMetabase;
    Sec: IMetabaseSecurity;
    Users: IMetabaseUsers;
    User: IMetabaseUser;
    UsUpdate: IMetabaseUsersUpdate;
    UpdateCallback: IMetabaseUsersUpdateCallback;
    Results: IMetabaseUsersUpdateErrors;
    Error: IMetabaseUsersUpdateError;
    MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
    Sec := MB.Security;
    Users := Sec.Users;
    UsUpdate := Sec.CreateUsersUpdate;
    For Each User In Users Do
    End For;
    UpdateCallback := New UserUpdateClb.Create;
    UpdateCallback.CallbackResult := MetabaseUsersUpdateCallbackResult.SilentContinue;
    UsUpdate.Callback := UpdateCallback;
    Results := UsUpdate.Errors;
    If Results.Count <> 0 Then
    End If;
    For Each Error In Results Do
        If Error.Type = MetabaseUsersUpdateErrorType.Error Then
            Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + Error.Message + ". Details: " + Error.DetailText);
            Debug.WriteLine("Warning: " + Error.Message + ". Details: " + Error.DetailText);
        End If;
    End For;
End Sub UserProc;

Class UserUpdateClb: Object, IMetabaseUsersUpdateCallback
    _ClbResult: MetabaseUsersUpdateCallbackResult;

    Sub Process(Subject: ISecuritySubject);
        Debug.WriteLine("Updating user: " + Subject.Name);
    End Sub Process;

    Function RequestAction(Error: IMetabaseUsersUpdateError): MetabaseUsersUpdateCallbackResult;
        Select Case Error.Type
            Case MetabaseUsersUpdateErrorType.Warning:
                Debug.WriteLine("Warning: " + Error.Message);
            Case MetabaseUsersUpdateErrorType.Error:
                Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + Error.Message);
        End Select;
        Return _ClbResult;
    End Function RequestAction;

    Function get_CallbackResult: MetabaseUsersUpdateCallbackResult;
        Return _ClbResult;
    End Function get_CallbackResult;

    Sub set_CallbackResult(Result: MetabaseUsersUpdateCallbackResult);
        _ClbResult := Result;
    End Sub set_CallbackResult;
End Class UserUpdateClb;

On executing the example all users created in the security manager of the repository are updated. To track the process of updating the object of the UserUpdateClb custom class is created. On occurring any problems the update process will be resumed. When finished, if during the update any errors/warnings appeared then the information on them would be displayed in the development environment console and saved to the file.

Fore.NET Example

The specified procedure is an entry point for the .NET assembly.

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Metabase;

Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
    MB: IMetabase;
    Sec: IMetabaseSecurity;
    Users: IMetabaseUsers;
    User: IMetabaseUser;
    UsUpdate: IMetabaseUsersUpdate;
    UpdateCallback: IMetabaseUsersUpdateCallback = New UserUpdateClb();
    Results: IMetabaseUsersUpdateErrors;
    Error: IMetabaseUsersUpdateError;
    MB := Params.Metabase;
    Sec := MB.Security;
    Users := Sec.Users;
    UsUpdate := Sec.CreateUsersUpdate();
    For Each User In Users Do
    End For;
    UpdateCallback.CallbackResult := MetabaseUsersUpdateCallbackResult.muucrSilentContinue;
    UsUpdate.Callback := UpdateCallback;
    Results := UsUpdate.Errors;
    If Results.Count <> 0 Then
    End If;
    For Each Error In Results Do
        If Error.Type = MetabaseUsersUpdateErrorType.muuetError Then
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + Error.Message + ". Details: " + Error.DetailText);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Warning: " + Error.Message + ". Details: " + Error.DetailText);
        End If;
    End For;
End Sub;

Class UserUpdateClb: IMetabaseUsersUpdateCallback
    _ClbResult: MetabaseUsersUpdateCallbackResult;

    Public Sub Process(Subject: ISecuritySubject);
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Updating users: " + Subject.Name);
    End Sub;

    Public Function RequestAction(Error: IMetabaseUsersUpdateError): MetabaseUsersUpdateCallbackResult;
        Select Case Error.Type
            Case MetabaseUsersUpdateErrorType.muuetWarning:
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Warning: " + Error.Message);
            Case MetabaseUsersUpdateErrorType.muuetError:
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + Error.Message);
        End Select;
        Return _ClbResult;
    End Function;

    Public Property CallbackResult: MetabaseUsersUpdateCallbackResult
            Return _ClbResult;
        End Get
            _ClbResult := Value;
        End Set
    End Property;
End Class;

On executing the example all users created in the security manager of the repository are updated. To track the process of updating the object of the UserUpdateClb custom class is created. On occurring any problems the update process will be resumed. When finished, if during the update any errors/warnings appeared then the information on them would be displayed in the development environment console and saved to the file.

See also:
