Sql(Driver: String): String;
Driver. DBMS driver identifier.
The Sql property determines query text of SQL operator executed on update.
The list of identifiers that can be used as the Driver parameter values is given in theSupported DBMS > Total List of Identifiers subsection. Determine the identifier of the DBMS installed on server where the update will be used.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains a table with the Table_1 identifier and a databases with the BD identifier. The schema on which this database is set contains a table with the LOG_TABLE physical name. There is a history of execution of any actions in this table. The table has fields ACTION and DATE_ACTION, in which action description and date when action happened will be specified.
Sub Main;
Mb: IMetabase;
Db: IMetabaseObject;
Mu: IMetabaseUpdate;
Root: IMetabaseUpdateFolderNode;
SQLNode: IMetabaseUpdateSqlNode;
DNode: IMetabaseUpdateDataObjectNode;
Mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
Db := Mb.ItemById("BD").Bind;
Mu := Mb.CreateUpdate;
Root := Mu.RootFolder;
DNode := Root.Add(MetabaseUpdateNodeType.DataObject) As IMetabaseUpdateDataObjectNode;
DNode.Object := MB.ItemById("Table_1");
DNode.UpdatePart := MetabaseObjectUpdatePart.DataMetadata;
SQLNode := Root.Add(MetabaseUpdateNodeType.Sql) As IMetabaseUpdateSQLNode;
SQLNode.Label := "SQL";
SqlNode.Sql((Db As IDatabase).DriverId) := "Insert Into Log_Table (ACTION,DATE_ACTION)
Values('Update table Table_1', sysdate) ";
SqlNode.Database := Db.Key;
End Sub Main;
After executing this example a new update is created. Data and metadata of the Table_1 table will be added in update. SQL operator is also added in update. On executing this SQL operator a new record that contains information about the Table_1 table update is added in the Log_Table table. SQL operator is executed within DB server on which the BD database is set up.
See also: