ReadFromFile(FileName: String);
FileName - a path to the file in which the descriptions of the repositories are contained.
The ReadFromFile method reads the description of repositories from the file.
The structure of the file is described in the Setting Up Repositories and Autoupdate Using File section.
Executing the example requires the c:\Def.xml file that contains the description of repositories. The descriptions that are contained in the file, are not present in the manager of repositories.
Sub UserProc;
Man: IMetabaseManager;
Defs: IMetabaseDefinitions;
Def: IMetabaseDefinition;
Man := MetabaseManagerFactory.Active;
Defs := Man.Definitions;
For Each Def In Defs Do
End For;
End Sub UserProc;
The descriptions of repositories are loaded from the Def.xml file after executing this example. These descriptions will be saved and in further can be used on working with the platform.
See also: