

ConnectForAuditMode: MetabaseConnectForAuditMode;


The ConnectForAuditMode property determines a mode of setting the connection to the DB server for auditing failed connections.


The p4audit service user audits failed connections. Service user's password can be simple or complex (length, any reserved characters, and so on). If exclusive security standards are required from the "p4audit" service user's password, the p4audit password must be changed with the SQL command for the password, that meets the security policy requirements. Both passwords are stored. This property defines which password is used the first to set the connection. By default, first, a simple password is used, then a complex one (SimpleThenComplex). This setting should be performed only once, as it is saved with all other setting of connecting to the repository. This setting should also be refreshed on all the workstations that work with the server, on which the p4audit password was changed.


Sub UserProc;


MB: IMetabase;

Def: IMetabaseDefinition;


MB := MetabaseClass.Active;

Def := MB.Definition;

Def.ConnectForAuditMode := MetabaseConnectForAuditMode.ComplexThenSimple;


End Sub UserProc;

After executing the example the mode is changed: first, the complex password is checked, then - the simple one.

See also:
