
Fore Syntax

SupportsElementDependencies: Boolean;

Fore.NET Syntax

SupportsElementDependencies : Boolean;


The SupportsElementDependencies property returns whether the class tracks the changes in the MDM dictionary.


If class tracks changes in MDM dictionary property returns value True, otherwise - False.

This property is relevant for regular reports, express reports, virtual cubes, workbooks, validations, models, metamodels, custom objects, import/export objects, replication. If in a window of object properties on a tag "Consists of" the flag  "Track elements changes in MDM dictionary" is set value True is assigned for the SupportsElementDependencies property.

Default value is False.

Fore Example

To execute the example, add a link to the Metabase assembly.

Sub Main;
    Man: IMetabaseManager;
    Classes: IDbClasses;
    Cl: IDbClass;
    i: Integer;
    Man := MetabaseManagerFactory.Active;
    Classes := Man.Classes;
    For i := 0 To Classes.Count - 1 Do
        Cl := Classes.Item(i);
        Debug.WriteLine("Name: " + Cl.Name + "; MDM support: " + Cl.SupportsElementDependencies.ToString);
    End For;
End Sub Main;

After executing this example a list that consists of classes names and messages whether they track changes in MDM dictionary is displayed into console.

Fore.NET Example

This example is an entry point for any .NET assembly.

Public Shared Sub Main(Params : StartParams);
    Man: IMetabase;
    Classes: IDbClasses;
    Cl: IDbClass;
    i: Integer;
    Man := Params.Metabase;
    Classes := Man.Classes;
    For i := 0 To Classes.Count - 1 Do
        Cl := Classes.Item[i];
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Name: " + Cl.Name + "; Elements changes: " + Cl.SupportsElementDependencies.ToString());

     End For;
End Sub Main;

After executing this example a list that consists of classes names and messages whether they track changes in MDM dictionary is displayed into console.

See also:
