Add(BindingType: RdsLoaderBindingType): IRdsBaseBinding;
Add(BindingType: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Rds.RdsLoaderBindingType): Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Rds.IRdsBaseBinding;
BindingType. Type of created binding.
The Add method creates a binding with a specified type.
According to the defined type, specify appropriate dictionary attribute in the created binding. The binding can be cast to required type, and specific properties can be defined for the binding. The following types of binding are available:
IRdsPredefinedBinding. Parameters of system attribute binding.
IRdsTranslationBinding. Binding parameters for the attribute that stores values in a specific language.
IRdsUserAttributeBinding. Parameters of custom attribute binding.
IRdsLinkedBinding. Parameters of linked attribute binding.
IRdsImportedBinding. Parameters of imported attribute binding.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains the objects:
The MDM repository with the MDM identifier where table MDM dictionary with the DICT_LINKED identifier is created. A link with this dictionary is created from the created MDM dictionary.
A table with the T_DICTIONARY identifier that is used as a source of dictionary data.
A table with the T_ATTRVALUES identifier where values for multiple-value attribute are stored in the created dictionary.
Add links to the Dal, Db, Metabase, Rds system assemblies.
Description of required structure and data for used objects:
The DICT_LINKED table MDM dictionary
Sub UserProc;
MB: IMetabase;
CrInfo: IMetabaseObjectCreateInfo;
LinkDictionary: IRdsDictionary;
RdsLoader: IMetaRdsLoader;
Bindings: IRdsLoaderBindings;
PredBinding: IRdsPredefinedBinding;
LinkBinding: IRdsLinkedBinding;
ImportBinding: IRdsImportedBinding;
MultiValueBinding: IRdsBaseBinding;
// Get current repository
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
// Get dictionary, with which a link is created
LinkDictionary := MB.ItemByIdNamespace("DICT_LINKED", MB.GetObjectKeyById("MDM")).Bind As IRdsDictionary;
// Create an object to create a table MDM dictionary and load data to it
RdsLoader := New MetaRdsLoader.Create;
// Specify table, from which data is loaded
RdsLoader.TableSource := MB.ItemById("T_DICTIONARY").Bind As ITable;
// Get bindings between source table fields and created MDM dictionary fields
Bindings := RdsLoader.Bindings;
// Set bindings of mandatory system attributes of table MDM dictionary
Bindings.KeyBinding.Field := "KEY";
Bindings.NameBinding.Field := "NAME";
Bindings.OrderBinding.Field := "ORD";
// Set binding for the Owner attribute in Table MDM dictionary
PredBinding := Bindings.Add(RdsLoaderBindingType.Predefined) As IRdsPredefinedBinding;
PredBinding.PredefinedType := RdsPredefinedAttribute.ParentKey;
PredBinding.Field := "PARENT";
// Set binding for the attribute that will be used to link with other dictionary
LinkBinding := Bindings.Add(RdsLoaderBindingType.Linked) As IRdsLinkedBinding;
// Set attribute name and identifier
LinkBinding.Id := "FORLINK";
LinkBinding.Name := "For link";
// Specify that link is created by key
LinkBinding.Reference := LinkDictionary.Attributes.Key;
// Specify source table field that contains values for this attribute
LinkBinding.Field := "FORLINK";
// Create an imported attribute from linked dictionary
ImportBinding := Bindings.Add(RdsLoaderBindingType.Imported) As IRdsImportedBinding;
// Set attribute name and identifier
ImportBinding.Id := "NAME_LINKEDDICT";
ImportBinding.Name := "Capital";
// Specify the binding, in which attribute is described that is used to link with other dictionary
ImportBinding.LinkBinding := LinkBinding;
// Specify that imported attribute will display
// names of elements from linked dictionary
ImportBinding.Lookup := LinkBinding.Dictionary.Attributes.Name;
// Set binding for attribute with multiple values
MultiValueBinding := Bindings.Add(RdsLoaderBindingType.UserAttribute);
// Set attribute name and identifier
MultiValueBinding.Id := "MULTIATTR";
MultiValueBinding.Name := "Official languages";
// Specify field in source table that contains values for this attribute
MultiValueBinding.Field := "MULTIATTR";
// Set attribute data type
MultiValueBinding.DataType := DbDataType.String;
// Specify that attribute can have multiple values
MultiValueBinding.HasMultipleValues := True;
// Specify table that stores multiple values
MultiValueBinding.DetailTableObject := MB.ItemById("T_ATTRVALUES");
// Set used fields with data from table that stores multiple values
MultiValueBinding.KeyField := "KEY";
MultiValueBinding.OrderField := "ORDER";
MultiValueBinding.ValueField := "VALUE";
// Specify that multiple attribute can contain empty values
MultiValueBinding.Nullable := True;
// Set information about created dictionary
CrInfo := MB.CreateCreateInfo;
CrInfo.Parent := MB.ItemById("MDM");
CrInfo.Id := MB.GenerateId("Dict", CrInfo.Parent.Key);
// Create and save dictionary
(RdsLoader.CreateObject(CrInfo) As IMetabaseObject).Save;
// Load data
End Sub UserProc;
Executing the example sets up the object used to create table MDM dictionaries and to load data to it. Data source is specified in the object settings, and bindings for various attribute types are created. After it the dictionary of countries is created and data about capitals and national languages are loaded to it.
The requirements and result of the Fore.NET Example execution match with those in the Fore Example.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dal;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Db;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Rds;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
MB: IMetabase;
CrInfo: IMetabaseObjectCreateInfo;
LinkDictionary: IRdsDictionary;
RdsLoader: IMetaRdsLoader;
Bindings: IRdsLoaderBindings;
PredBinding: IRdsPredefinedBinding;
LinkBinding: IRdsLinkedBinding;
ImportBinding: IRdsImportedBinding;
MultiValueBinding: IRdsBaseBinding;
// Get the current repository
MB := Params.Metabase;
// Get dictionary, with which a link is created
LinkDictionary := MB.ItemByIdNamespace["DICT_LINKED", MB.GetObjectKeyById("MDM")].Bind() As IRdsDictionary;
// Create an object to create a table MDM dictionary and load data to it
RdsLoader := New MetaRdsLoader.Create();
// Specify table, from which data is loaded
RdsLoader.TableSource := MB.ItemById["T_DICTIONARY"].Bind() As ITable;
// Get bindings between source table fields and created table MDM dictionary
Bindings := RdsLoader.Bindings;
// Set bindings of mandatory system attributes of table MDM dictionary
Bindings.KeyBinding.Field := "KEY";
Bindings.NameBinding.Field := "NAME";
Bindings.OrderBinding.Field := "ORD";
// Set binding for the Owner attribute in table MDM dictionary
PredBinding := Bindings.Add(RdsLoaderBindingType.rlbtPredefined) As IRdsPredefinedBinding;
PredBinding.PredefinedType := RdsPredefinedAttribute.rpaParentKey;
PredBinding.Field := "PARENT";
// Set binding for attribute that will be used to link with other dictionary
LinkBinding := Bindings.Add(RdsLoaderBindingType.rlbtLinked) As IRdsLinkedBinding;
// Set attribute name and identifier
LinkBinding.Id := "FORLINK";
LinkBinding.Name := "For link";
// Specify that link is created by key
LinkBinding.Reference := LinkDictionary.Attributes.Key;
// Specify source table field that contains values for this attribute
LinkBinding.Field := "FORLINK";
// Create an imported attribute from linked dictionary
ImportBinding := Bindings.Add(RdsLoaderBindingType.rlbtImported) As IRdsImportedBinding;
// Set attribute name and identifier
ImportBinding.Id := "NAME_LINKEDDICT";
ImportBinding.Name := "Capital";
// Specify binding, in which attribute is described that is used to link with other attribute
ImportBinding.LinkBinding := LinkBinding;
// Specify that imported attribute will display
// names of elements from linked dictionary
ImportBinding.Lookup := LinkBinding.Dictionary.Attributes.Name;
// Set binding for attribute with multiple values
MultiValueBinding := Bindings.Add(RdsLoaderBindingType.rlbtUserAttribute);
// Set attribute name and identifier
MultiValueBinding.Id := "MULTIATTR";
MultiValueBinding.Name := "Official languages";
// Specify field in source table that contains values for this attribute
MultiValueBinding.Field := "MULTIATTR";
// Set attribute data type
MultiValueBinding.DataType := DbDataType.ddtString;
// Specify that attribute can have multiple values
MultiValueBinding.HasMultipleValues := True;
// Specify table that stores multiple values
MultiValueBinding.DetailTableObject := MB.ItemById["T_ATTRVALUES"];
// Set used fields with data from table that stores multiple values
MultiValueBinding.KeyField := "KEY";
MultiValueBinding.OrderField := "ORDER";
MultiValueBinding.ValueField := "VALUE";
// Specify that multiple attribute can have empty values
MultiValueBinding.Nullable := True;
// Set information about created dictionary
CrInfo := MB.CreateCreateInfo();
CrInfo.Parent := MB.ItemById["MDM"];
CrInfo.Id := MB.GenerateId("Dict", CrInfo.Parent.Key);
// Create and save dictionary
(RdsLoader.CreateObject(CrInfo) As IMetabaseObject).Save();
// Load data
End Sub;
See also: