Value: Variant;
Value: System.Object;
The Value property determines value of the attribute, by which elements are filtered.
If the Value property is not determined, correct work of filter is impossible.
If Value contains the values array of the Variant type and the IRdsDictionaryFilterCondition.Operation property has the value:
RdsConditionOperation.Equal. The In condition is applied to the filter, that is, the attribute value is contained in the Value array.
RdsConditionOperation.NotEqual. The NotIn condition is applied for the filter, that is, the attribute value is not contained in the Value array.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains an MDM repository with the MDM_REPO identifier. The repository must contain a table MDM dictionary with the EXP_DICT identifier.
A text file C:\Data_out.txt must be created in the file system.
Add links to the Metabase, Rds, and Dt system assemblies.
Sub UserProc;
mb: IMetabase;
rdsKey: Integer;
dictObj: IMetabaseObject;
Dict: IRdsDictionary;
sExport: IMetaRdsExportSchema;
i: Integer;
dictAts: IRdsAttributes;
Attr: IRdsAttribute;
attrMap: IRdsExportSchemaAttribute;
dictFilter: IRdsDictionaryFilterConditions;
Cond: IRdsDictionaryFilterCondition;
textCons: IDtTextConsumer;
dictInst: IRdsDictionaryInstance;
mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
// Get key of the MDM repository
rdsKey := mb.GetObjectKeyById("MDM_REPO");
// Get table MDM dictionary
dictObj := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("EXP_DICT", rdsKey).Edit;
Dict := dictObj As IRdsDictionary;
// Create a new export scheme
sExport := Dict.ExportSchemas.Add As IMetaRdsExportSchema;
// Bind dictionary attributes to the consumer fields
dictAts := Dict.Attributes;
For i := 0 To dictAts.Count - 1 Do
Attr := dictAts.Item(i);
attrMap := sExport.AddMapping;
attrMap.Attribute := Attr;
attrMap.FieldName := Attr.Id;
End For;
// Determine that the consumer must be cleared before export
sExport.ClearBeforeExport := True;
// Add filtering
dictFilter := sExport.Filter;
Attr := dictAts.FindById("KEY");
Cond := dictFilter.Add(Attr);
Cond.Value := 0;
Cond.Operation := RdsConditionOperation.GreaterOrEqual;
Cond := dictFilter.Add(Attr);
Cond.Value := 15;
Cond.Operation := RdsConditionOperation.LesserOrEqual;
// Set up data consumer: text file
textCons := New DtTextConsumer.Create;
textCons.File := "c:\Data_out.txt";
textCons.WriteHeader := True;
textCons.RowDelimiter := #13 + #10;
textCons.DelimitedColumnDelimiter := #9;
textCons.DelimitedTextQualifier := "'";
sExport.Consumer := textCons;
// Save the dictionary
// Export
dictInst := dictObj.Open(Null) As IRdsDictionaryInstance;
End Sub UserProc;
Example execution result: elements with the key values in the range [0; 15] are exported from the table MDM dictionary to the file C:\Data_out.txt.
The requirements and result of the Fore.NET Example execution match with those in the Fore Example.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dt;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Rds;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
mb: IMetabase;
rdsKey: uinteger;
dictObj: IMetabaseObject;
Dict: IRdsDictionary;
sExport: IMetaRdsExportSchema;
i: Integer;
dictAts: IRdsAttributes;
Attr: IRdsAttribute;
attrMap: IRdsExportSchemaAttribute;
dictFilter: IRdsDictionaryFilterConditions;
Cond: IRdsDictionaryFilterCondition;
textCons: IDtTextConsumer;
dictInst: IRdsDictionaryInstance;
mb := Params.Metabase;
// Get key of the MDM repository
rdsKey := mb.GetObjectKeyById("MDM_REPO");
// Get table MDM dictionary
dictObj := mb.ItemByIdNamespace["EXP_DICT", rdsKey].Edit();
Dict := dictObj As IRdsDictionary;
// Create a new export scheme
sExport := Dict.ExportSchemas.Add() As IMetaRdsExportSchema;
// Bind dictionary attributes to the consumer fields
dictAts := Dict.Attributes;
For i := 0 To dictAts.Count - 1 Do
Attr := dictAts.Item[i];
attrMap := sExport.AddMapping();
attrMap.Attribute := Attr;
attrMap.FieldName := Attr.Id;
End For;
// Indicate, that the consumer must be cleared before export
sExport.ClearBeforeExport := True;
// Add filter
dictFilter := sExport.Filter;
Attr := dictAts.FindById("KEY");
Cond := dictFilter.Add(Attr);
Cond.Value := 0;
Cond.Operation := RdsConditionOperation.rcoGreaterOrEqual;
Cond := dictFilter.Add(Attr);
Cond.Value := 15;
Cond.Operation := RdsConditionOperation.rcoLesserOrEqual;
// Set up data consumer: text file
textCons := New DtTextConsumer.Create();
textCons.File := "c:\Data_out.txt";
textCons.WriteHeader := True;
textCons.DelimitedTextQualifier := "'";
sExport.Consumer := textCons;
// Save the dictionary
// Export execution
dictInst := dictObj.Open(Null) As IRdsDictionaryInstance;
End Sub;
See also: