ShowHints: Boolean;
ShowHints: System.Boolean;
The ShowHints property determines whether tooltips should be displayed when the mouse is held over the elements of the RdsDictionaryBox component.
If the property is set to True, tooltip is displayed when the mouse cursor is held over the component. Tooltip text will correspond to the element name.
When the ShowHints property is set to True, the tooltip set in the component through the IControl.ShowHint and IControl.Hint properties is ignored.
Executing the example requires a form, the CheckBox component with the CheckBox1 name on the form, the RdsDictionaryBox component named RdsDictionaryBox1, and the UiRdsDictionary component that is a data source for RdsDictionaryBox1.
Sub CheckBox1OnChange(Sender: Object; Args: IEventArgs);
End Sub CheckBox1OnChange;
After executing the example, when the checkbox is selected for the component elements, RdsDictionaryBox tooltips are displayed.
See also: