
Assembly: Rds;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Rds;


The RdsDictionaryConverter class is used to convert an MDM dictionary to a table MDM dictionary.


An MDM dictionary is converted taking into account permissions and privileges of the user who executes this operation:

Restrictions and features of converting an MDM dictionary to a table MDM dictionary:

The table dictionary received after conversion, has the same parameters, settings, attributes, data, configured security subjects and access permissions, import and export schemes, and object key. For details about dictionary conversion see the Working with Dictionaries section.

Fore.NET Syntax

Class to get analog of the RdsDictionaryConverter class:


Class to get analog of the RdsDictionaryConverter class object:


Class object properties inherited from IRdsDictionaryConverter

  Property name Brief description
AllDictionary The AllDictionary property returns the list of MDM dictionaries converted to table MDM dictionaries.

Class object methods inherited from IRdsDictionaryConverter

  Method name Brief description
The AllRdsDatabase method checks MDM repository and returns the list of MDM dictionaries converted to table MDM dictionaries.
The Convert method converts an MDM dictionary to a table MDM dictionary.
The ConvertAll method converts all MDM dictionaries to table MDM dictionaries.

See also:

Rds Assembly Classes